
I have to be honest here and a little confused at the start of this new event, I encountered a dog familiar. As I am a basic user, I should have not been able to encounter a dog right?

I believe you can, you simply cannot make it your own unless you're premium. This is the case I believe, unless I am wrong

You cannot make the dog your own. But you can ecounter it. The reason for that is that for the Dog Walker you have to find her dogs.

It's not a familiar. At least not to my knowledge. The dogs are part of the july event

Administrator Lightbringer
It's not a familiar. You have to collect them for the dogwalker. :)

yep its a july event! SixBears said: It's not a familiar. You have to collect them for the dogwalker. :)
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Oh well okay... In that Case there's no need for this to be open anymore other then to help other not be confused lol LOCK