
Hey there, I noticed that whenever I visit the page of a wolf of another player, a "play" section appears showing several buttons, most of them blocked. For several times I tried to click the "nose pushing" button in hope of interacting with the wolf in some way, but nothing happened. Is this supposed to happen?

Yes. You can only play with other wolves if you are Premium. If you are a basic member you aren't able to play with other wolves. - I did the same thing when i was a basic member. ^^ Edited at June 22, 2020 06:24 PM by Undertale

Undertale said: Yes. You can only play with other wolves if you are Premium. If you are a basic member you aren't able to play with other wolves. - I did the same thing when i was a basic member. ^^

Okay. Thank you for your help!

Undertale said: Yes. You can only play with other wolves if you are Premium. If you are a basic member you aren't able to play with other wolves. - I did the same thing when i was a basic member. ^^