
*disclaimer I'm NOT asking how to explore, how to earn mushrooms from exploring, or the like. This is a question for experienced, avid explorers who are earning like 20,000 mushrooms a day from exploring alone. Okay, my question is: How the hell are you exploring that much and making such a huge profit?! I explore as much as possible, I get through about 1 territory level a day (with out Chinese pottery) and that gets me about 1,000 mushrooms a day from exploring. I've noticed though that's theres people making like 10,000 mush a day from exploring alone, and I know that they have to be using Chinese pottery, but how do you equal out the cost? I decided to try using the pottery and explore as much as possible once, but the cost of the pottery takes nearly all of the profit I get from exploring. So while I'm technically not losing mushrooms, I'm really not gaining much. I just want to know how you are gaining that much of a profit from exploring so much, since most of my profit goes right back to chinese pottery. I explore the jungle the most (currently at level like, 180 but my overall territory level is 530) and I kill everything. Nothing gets left behind. I assume the jungle is the territory most of you are avidly exploring as well? Edited at June 16, 2020 11:03 AM by Moonshadow

I can't claim to be making 20,000 mushrooms a day, but I'm an avid explorer and make my fair share every day. It's how I can afford to be on this site comfortably. My advice to you would be to try different terrains. I explore in forest during all seasons except winter, because I've found it to be extremely lucrative. In winter, when prey is scarce elsewhere, I explore in jungle. I would also ensure you're getting high predator counts each level. If it's below 60 or so, I replay the level. More predators = more mush. Every explorer has their own tricks and experiences, because by natural every level is different. These are just my own thoughts/opinions~ Edited at June 16, 2020 01:44 PM by Tolkien

Tolkien said: I can't claim to be making 20,000 mushrooms a day, but I'm an avid explorer and make my fair share every day. It's how I can afford to be on this site comfortably. My advice to you would be to try different terrains. I explore in forest during all seasons except winter, because I've found it to be extremely lucrative. In winter, when prey is scarce elsewhere, I explore in jungle. I would also ensure you're getting high predator counts each level. If it's below 60 or so, I replay the level. More predators = more mush. Every explorer has their own tricks and experiences, because by natural every level is different. These are just my own thoughts/opinions~
Yeah, my predator limit is usually 70 for the jungle. I restart the level with any less, but most of the eneimes tend to be snakes (which dont offer much ;-;) Is there a specific level you recommend to get my forest to make a good profit? As of right now, it doesn't offer much imo

I started seeing good results around level 100. There are certainly days when I don't see as big of a return on how much I spend on pottery, but Forest tends to offer a lot of bears/mountain lions which give 25 mush each.

Well I wouldn't say I make 20,000 mush per day, but I like to think I'm an advid explorer. I do an exploring everytime the hour cool down for me restarts. I then get 5 potteries so that's about 130 which is about when your wolves will end up straving and running away. Then I normally go to the tundra or the jungle and hunt there. by the end of the hunt I can get about 200-500 mush per exploring which gives me a 100-400 profit for the amount I paid to get the pottery. So per day I can get about 1,000-4,000 mush if I get lucky. Note I am not a premiem and dont get a 30 minute cool down so getting mush can be slower depending on the day and I am still fairly new to wolfplay so my territory level is on the lower side.

I'm a semi-avid explorer, mainly just explore when I want to. However, when I'm all in I can make a fair amount with an all HW DH team (none are trained to DG but most are at least maxed in battle, most maxed in the rest of the explore stats). I think with a full HW DH DG team I could kill it, but I just don't have the motivation to train so I just let them gain BE as I go.
I'd recommend buying 200 moves at a time and going through forest. Serial Dreamer recommended the terrain and I honestly can't bring myself to go back to jungle after it. I always turn more of a profit and the animals don't hit as hard so I don't buy as many health potions and save mush that way.

ilannaqq said: I'm a semi-avid explorer, mainly just explore when I want to. However, when I'm all in I can make a fair amount with an all HW DH team (none are trained to DG but most are at least maxed in battle, most maxed in the rest of the explore stats). I think with a full HW DH DG team I could kill it, but I just don't have the motivation to train so I just let them gain BE as I go.
I'd recommend buying 200 moves at a time and going through forest. Serial Dreamer recommended the terrain and I honestly can't bring myself to go back to jungle after it. I always turn more of a profit and the animals don't hit as hard so I don't buy as many health potions and save mush that way.
My battle wolves are mostly (at least 90% of them) maxed in battle, resolve, and agility and near death grip and DH, so that's not an issue ^_^ Maybe I'll have to up my forest level then. See how that pans out :)

The most I've ever made was maybe 10-15k in one day during the FMC, but that was dawn to dusk exploring. Normally, I make around 1-5k a day. I have three teams of wolves, sometimes four depending on how many I'm training up to be auctioned. About two and a half of them are DGs(A team, B team, and part of C team), and all of the wolves except for maybe one or two have maxed battle, resolve, and agility. My A team is my explore team: they have maxed stealth, perception, and luck as well as the traits aforementioned, spirituality for the FMC, and a tad of social to befriend familiars. I use them for majority of explore. They're responsible for finding relics, prey and predators, and digging up mush. I keep a bunch of health potions on hand--- I buy 100 at a time, and then replenish when they run out---, but I dislike having to go to my den page to heal a wolf that fled. Whenever there's a tough enemy team(eg. 6 mountain lions/bears), I switch in my B team. They weaken/kill the prey/predators so that my explore team doesn't have to take the damage, and once the enemies are cleared, I switch my A team back in. My C and D teams act as the back-up meat shields should my B team be taken out. I buy 100 moves at a time, as 130 moves is around when your wolves will become too hungry/thirst to explore, and I can just feed, water, and replenish the moves all at once. In the spring and summer, I explore in forest, and in fall and winter, I explore in jungle. I've heard that fall in forest isn't all that bad, but personally I prefer jungle since I can see my mush gain-back more easily. "Forest in the spring is a gold mine", to quote Silly.

Black Swan said: The most I've ever made was maybe 10-15k in one day during the FMC, but that was dawn to dusk exploring. Normally, I make around 1-5k a day. I have three teams of wolves, sometimes four depending on how many I'm training up to be auctioned. About two and a half of them are DGs(A team, B team, and part of C team), and all of the wolves except for maybe one or two have maxed battle, resolve, and agility. My A team is my explore team: they have maxed stealth, perception, and luck as well as the traits aforementioned, spirituality for the FMC, and a tad of social to befriend familiars. I use them for majority of explore. They're responsible for finding relics, prey and predators, and digging up mush. I keep a bunch of health potions on hand--- I buy 100 at a time, and then replenish when they run out---, but I dislike having to go to my den page to heal a wolf that fled. Whenever there's a tough enemy team(eg. 6 mountain lions/bears), I switch in my B team. They weaken/kill the prey/predators so that my explore team doesn't have to take the damage, and once the enemies are cleared, I switch my A team back in. My C and D teams act as the back-up meat shields should my B team be taken out. I buy 100 moves at a time, as 130 moves is around when your wolves will become too hungry/thirst to explore, and I can just feed, water, and replenish the moves all at once. In the spring and summer, I explore in forest, and in fall and winter, I explore in jungle. I've heard that fall in forest isn't all that bad, but personally I prefer jungle since I can see my mush gain-back more easily. "Forest in the spring is a gold mine", to quote Silly.
Wow, that's really helpful! Thank you :)