
Okay. a p p l e q u e s t i o n s 1st question - How too stop the urge too spend? Its just, h o w too many arts that i want lol I just need advice - 2nd Question - How too get apples pretty quickly? The only two options i don't have are: Selling Art Buying With Money So yeahh :/ Post away~

Answer 1) Either hide chat or put your currency away (there's not much i can think of for stopping the urge to spend as it's always there) Answer 2) Take whatever opportunities you can like sending WP referrals to your friends, selling wolf bios to people, etc. that's all i can think of right now. pm me if there's anything else you need

1st.) i find not having many goals except to save mush helps, because it helps you focus on one thing. utilize your mush hole, much more helpful than you'd think Dont look at traidng post aucions or the general trading post Dont look at sales cat often, too many good things are being offered that are hard to resist 2nd) getting apples quickly is hard. I do referrals to friends, FMC works well if you make top ten,5 or first place in all. I get around 4-10 apples each FMC Enter in many contests, you never know:). Keep an eye on giveaways Keep an eye on what wolves are trendy, melas was big once and I amde ton of mush that i truend to apples easily. i will write more if i have more tips:) hope this helped! Edited at June 10, 2020 10:39 AM by CriesInTheNight
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For your first question, I guess it's just learning restraint ^^'' You could avoid the art forums or refrain from opening certain forums to help restrict yoursel, or stay on other parts of the site. As for the second question > Exploring with a good battle team I'd suggest the jungle personally > Breeding out studs High talents, vitals, AC coats, very high talents etc > Selling good wolves Full BE trained at low age, rare defects; mostly viti/chimera, boosts etc > Offer BE training or boarding I'd just be a bit wary of this, it's better your premium, but you need to be wary of the risks regardless ^^

^ What Hallbjorns said, but I wouldnt enage in BE training for others. I hire trainers and only 2 of them are basic cause i trust them a lot. I would wait until you are premium, you wont get many customers right now. i would focus on training your own wolves instead or training friends who trust you and vice versa
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I bury all my apples. If you can't see them they're not there. Also exploring will earn you a ton of mush, as well as the games.