
So, I have taken a break from WP before this account was started then i came back for this account and on this one, I have taken some more breaks. I believe I have restarted this pack about 3 times. Just recently I sold off my whole pack....Which I mean I wish I would have kept a few. But anyway here are my questions..... 1. Is there any benefit to having male wolves in the pack? My pack seems fine without them and I personally like being able to breed my Alpha Females to other Males. 2. Is it true that Eve in the Explore can kill wolves by shooting them? 3. Any advice on how to not always breed duds? (I have just used my first Green Fern yesterday so will that help?) 4. Why does it seem like WP's wolf prices have like gone way down? Or is that just me? Anyways I think those are all my questions from coming back to the game. Thank you to all who helps by answering them!! ^.^ Have a great day! Edited at June 2, 2020 03:30 PM by Amare

answer to question one - having males with decent rarity, talent, boosts, and/or defects can be good for breeding and getting more mush if studded at the right price. the pricing would all depend on what you thought was right or what is just currently higher or lower within the breeding world. however, having males or not doesn't boost your pack in any way, or make it worse. (this is my opinion, in no way is it right or wrong)

1. That is completely up to personal preference. Males are just as good as females when it comes to exploring and have the benefit of being able to bring in some extra mush with stud fees, so there is some benefit to having a few of them. 2. Nothing in Explore can kill your wolves. Eve attacks by shooting and her attacks hit for a whopping 120 damage so she will one-shot anything that isn't a reasonably healthy DH, but as always the wolves she lands a hit on will flee, not die. 3. The definition of "dud" is pretty flexible and varies depending on who you ask, but since you seem to be interested in breeding for Rarity, your best bet is to purchase some females with high (40+) All Common Rarity and breed them to 55-59R AC studs. Using Green Ferns can help, but at the end of the day you're still never guaranteed to get amazing pups, so just keep that in mind. I wouldn't recommend using Green Ferns on low Rarity females.

Serial Dreamer said: 1. That is completely up to personal preference. Males are just as good as females when it comes to exploring and have the benefit of being able to bring in some extra mush with stud fees, so there is some benefit to having a few of them. 2. Nothing in Explore can kill your wolves. Eve attacks by shooting and her attacks hit for a whopping 120 damage so she will one-shot anything that isn't a reasonably healthy DH, but as always the wolves she lands a hit on will flee, not die. 3. The definition of "dud" is pretty flexible and varies depending on who you ask, but since you seem to be interested in breeding for Rarity, your best bet is to purchase some females with high (40+) All Common Rarity and breed them to 55-59R AC studs. Using Green Ferns can help, but at the end of the day you're still never guaranteed to get amazing pups, so just keep that in mind. I wouldn't recommend using Green Ferns on low Rarity females.
queen. said: answer to question one - having males with decent rarity, talent, boosts, and/or defects can be good for breeding and getting more mush if studded at the right price. the pricing would all depend on what you thought was right or what is just currently higher or lower within the breeding world. however, having males or not doesn't boost your pack in any way, or make it worse. (this is my opinion, in no way is it right or wrong)
Thank you both!!

Question 3: Advice, know what you want before breeding. i used to aimlessly breed and made many duds, you have to be focused on some traits you want. Question 4: No its just you, prices have gone down over the years. Its because their is an abundance of wolves and nobody wants them. Chimeras and vitis are a hit right now. The mela and leucisms not much anymore. More players acre for AC(all common) and high ones like 45+ rarity. and do so many wolves with dynamic and legendary pelts are ignored. More players now joined due to quarantine and they breed wolves which increases wolf stock but not enough demand wolves so prices sunk. i used to get 500-1k for my AC 40+ rarity wolves and now I host giveaways and retire them :/.
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CriesInTheNight said: Question 3: Advice, know what you want before breeding. i used to aimlessly breed and made many duds, you have to be focused on some traits you want. Question 4: No its just you, prices have gone down over the years. Its because their is an abundance of wolves and nobody wants them. Chimeras and vitis are a hit right now. The mela and leucisms not much anymore. More players acre for AC(all common) and high ones like 45+ rarity. and do so many wolves with dynamic and legendary pelts are ignored. More players now joined due to quarantine and they breed wolves which increases wolf stock but not enough demand wolves so prices sunk. i used to get 500-1k for my AC 40+ rarity wolves and now I host giveaways and retire them :/.
Thank you so much! It's sad to see good wolves go to waste on the game because there is not a market for them as much anymore.

yea it really sucks:( Amare said: CriesInTheNight said: Question 3: Advice, know what you want before breeding. i used to aimlessly breed and made many duds, you have to be focused on some traits you want. Question 4: No its just you, prices have gone down over the years. Its because their is an abundance of wolves and nobody wants them. Chimeras and vitis are a hit right now. The mela and leucisms not much anymore. More players acre for AC(all common) and high ones like 45+ rarity. and do so many wolves with dynamic and legendary pelts are ignored. More players now joined due to quarantine and they breed wolves which increases wolf stock but not enough demand wolves so prices sunk. i used to get 500-1k for my AC 40+ rarity wolves and now I host giveaways and retire them :/.
Thank you so much! It's sad to see good wolves go to waste on the game because there is not a market for them as much anymore.
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