
Creating this thread to ask my questions about the upgrade so I won't have to clog up chat! Because boy, do I have a lot of them. If you can, please help me out! Thank you so much :) 1. Can you use greenhouses in the spring, summer and fall to increase herb yield? Or can you only use it during the winter? 2. What is the precise cool down time for the play action?(eg. 30 minutes, 1 hour) 3. What are the best familiars to have? And where do you find them? 4. List of all the familiars you can get(excluding Bidoo's and site events) 5. What are the dimensions for banners? 6. Cool down/reset for chasing away animals from your garden? 7. Does the battle specialization add BE to the wolves to gain moves? 8. Does the battle specialization add battle moves beyond death grip? 9. Tips and tricks to know for premium please! Edited at May 17, 2020 02:34 PM by Black Swan

Sorry I can only tell you the answer to number 5 but, 710x150! Again, sorry I could be more help. The rest I don't know about as I don't use any of them(despite having familiars).

Thank you! This is so exciting ^^

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
1. Can you use greenhouses in the spring, summer and fall to increase herb yield? Or can you only use it during the winter? It doesn't increase herb yield, you can only use it in winter to continue growing crops. 2. What is the precise cool down time for the play action? Basically you can play whenever you finish exploring. If your wolves didn't return to the den for being hungry, thirsty, or injured, you can play with them. [I believe? Not sure] 3. What are the best familiars to have? And where do you find them? Sadly I can't answer this one as I don't use familiars. 4. List of all the familiars you can get(excluding Bidoo's and site events) I can't answer this one either. :') 5. What are the dimensions for banners? 150 x 710, I believe? It says on the account page too. 6. Can you only chase animals away from your herb garden once a day? Or do you have to keep checking up on it? You can do it multiple times a day, but honestly, nothing bad will happen to your herbs if you don't do it. 7. Tips and tricks to know for premium please! Explore teams are honestly a godsend- not really a tip but aaah they're so good- I really just don't have any tips I can think of right now-

Thanks ET! And no worries about the tips and tricks

2) About 30 since its based on explore as ET said ^^ You can explore every 30 mins as a premium member, similarly as an explorer 7) I'm pretty sure it doesn't, just increases their move to an additional +5 at max, so you gain BE as you always would, but I might be wrong about that ^^'' 8) Nope, Death Grip is still the limit ^^ Edited at May 17, 2020 02:31 PM by Hallbjorns


3. When i was premium the Gorilla familiars were good, They have 100HP and had a good attack. They can be found in the Jungle starting at level 7+ i believe. Edited at May 17, 2020 02:49 PM by Mafia

Mafia said: 3. When i was premium the Gorilla familiars were good, They have 100HP and had a good attack. They can be found in the Jungle starting at level 7+ i believe.
I just encountered one, but didn't have enough congeniality to befriend it ;_; Thank you

Personally I also love Gorillas and Orangutans, they've got a lot of HP and are relatively inexpensive to feed for the amount of health that they get (in comparison, a deer familiar eats 15 mush with 100HP and an Orangutan eats 3 mush with 90HP)