I apologize if this has already been reported, I didn't see anything like it.
I can't remember the exact date this started, but it must have been several weeks now. About a week ago, I noticed I wasn't earn much mush anymore from alliance battles, even though I am part of two very active alliances, Macabre Morgue and The Curiosee, and a less active alliance, Insane Asylum.
I finally decided last night, right at midnight (gametime), to delete all of my old AvA battle winner game mail notifications, and transfer all my mus into my mush hole. As soon as I got on today, right off the bat I noticed I had 75 mush and 8 game notifications. Even if all of those had been from the same alliance, I should of had at least 100 mush, as we can earn from battles 4 times a day with each alliance, totaling in 300 mush (if you're a part of three alliances). I checked my game mail, and each of those eight messages were a notification that my alliance had won a AvA battle. Four were for The Curiosees and four were for Macabre Morgue. Already things aren't adding up.
I decided to finally hire my secretary bird, so I could see what was happening. According to my secretary bird, I've only been earning 75 mush a day from my alliances, though Curiosees and Macabre Morgue members will agree that we usually win at least four times a day, not even counting the less active alliance I'm part of.
Below if a post of my secretary bird, as well as a screen shot of my game mail notifications (now 9).

I really hope this bug can be fixed soon. As you can see by my secretary bird, my only source of income is AvA battles