
My starter wolves, Red and Riley, already passed away and I miss them very much. They currently aren't in my memorial because I need all the space I can get for the other wolves who won't be remembered by offspring. Red and Riley have a daughter, Foxtrot, and I was just wondering, what happens when Foxtrot dies? If SHE has offspring will her pups remember her grandparents? Or do you have unlimited time to place wolves in a memorial only until their direct offspring die?

Wolves don't 'remember' the other wolves. I think by remember you mean lay them to rest in your Memorial. In your Memorial, (Den > Memorial Garden) you can memorialize 10, maybe 15 wolves. (Not sure -- however, you can always buy more slots).
Wolves are not automatically memorialized upon death and bloodlines do not have anything to do with Memorial slots.
I do believe you can place your wolves after they die at any time so it doesn't matter when they die/ their descendants/ ancestors.
If I recall correctly, wolves are memorialized forever once you place them there. Edited at April 21, 2020 01:40 PM by Oakley

Oakley said: Wolves don't 'remember' the other wolves. I think by remember you mean lay them to rest in your Memorial. In your Memorial, (Den > Memorial Garden) you can memorialize 10, maybe 15 wolves. (Not sure -- however, you can always buy more slots).
Wolves are not automatically memorialized upon death and bloodlines do not have anything to do with Memorial slots.
I do believe you can place your wolves after they die at any time so it doesn't matter when they die/ their descendants/ ancestors.
If I recall correctly, wolves are memorialized forever once you place them there.
So does that mean when my wolve's offspring die, as long as they have decendants from that offspring that are still alive, i still have unlimited time to place them in the memorial?

@a e s t h e t i c, how odd. From personal experience, wolves that have died and never had any living descendants have always been available to place. I'll ask a mod -- however, if you are correct, thank you. Edited at April 25, 2020 09:27 PM by Oakley

@Fireblazers: If a wolf has no living descendants, you have until midnight the day of their death to place your wolf in the memorial. As long as a wolf has living descendants, they will always be available to be place in your memorial. It's just not easy to check if a wolf has living descendants, so better safe than sorry if you don't want it erased from the game.
Once a wolf is in the memorial, they will not be deleted from the game unless you remove them from the memorial.
@Oakley: you can not place a wolf in a memorial garden "at any time." Wolves without descendants are permanently deleted from the game if they're not in a memorial and will not be available to place in memorial. Bloodlines do matter. Edited at April 25, 2020 09:08 PM by a e s t h e t i c
