
So I was exploring when I saw something. I've never seen it happen and I'm wondering if it is new.
https://postimg.cc/qt7sbrGX https://postimg.cc/GH0jcZcd

Good question... I don't have any pups in my pack right now, so I can't test if it happens to me too. It looks like its something new. Maybe Eve hasn't announced the change yet!

Gemstone Wolves said: Good question... I don't have any pups in my pack right now, so I can't test if it happens to me too. It looks like its something new. Maybe Eve hasn't announced the change yet!
I was thinking that. Like may be it was a test and I happened to Explore at the right time?
My pup went from 0 to 9 Battle. So it must work

Pups gain CP if you take wolves exploring and gain battle CP if they watch your explorers battle. I don't remember seeing a +battle CP message before, but I know that in other encounters, there will be a message that says "Pup watches Wolf [do action] and gains +# [trait] CP."

Manhattan Skyline said: Pups gain CP if you take wolves exploring and gain battle CP if they watch your explorers battle. I don't remember seeing a +battle CP message before, but I know that in other encounters, there will be a message that says "Pup watches Wolf [do action] and gains +# [trait] CP."
This. The typo may have occured as Eve was in a rush/didn't see that the sentence didn't make sense. It's nothing new, by the way. That's why some players like to take pups exploring.
If you would like to, feel free to report the messed-up words here but make sure it hasn't been reported already: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=23&t=21111 Edited at July 28, 2019 08:17 AM by Star's Oracle

I never knew this was in WolfPlay...how?

I'm pretty sure this is a new feature

I'm confused. Some are saying this is new but some are not. I know pups gain CP in explore but I have never seen them gaining Battle CP.

Game Moderator Neutral
This isn't new.
I've had this happen many times before. It's just not as common as the other attributes pups can gain cp in watching adults do things Edited at July 28, 2019 04:19 PM by Destinations End
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Destinations End said: This isn't new.
I've had this happen many times before. It's just not as common as the other attributes pups can gain cp in watching adults do things
Hmm okay.
It's only now just happening to me and I've had it 4 times in the last day.
But alrighty thanks for clarifying!