
Hey there, I'm a somewhat literate roleplayer that writes 2+ paragraphs depending on my amount of motivation and time. I am looking for roleplay partners! Here's a list of things I will and will not do.
I will do:
-Medival (Fantasy, magic, dragons, etc. is my favorite ^^) -"Wild west" (Think old western movie) -Futuristic (Somewhat) -FxM romance
I will not do: -Current day (I may make an exception) -MxM or FxF romances. I have absolutely nothing against them, I just don't do them.
I can play male or female, and my characters are normally older than 20-22-ish. Please post on this forum or PM me with plots, etc!

I can play both male and female, though I prefer playing female. I can play any species, though I am best at felines and humanoids. Length-wise, my posts can be very unpredictable, ranging between a sentence and a few paragraphs. This mostly depends on the mount of time I have, and how closely that characters are interacting (how much I can write without making decisions for the other character). Tell me if there is anything else you would like to know :)
I don't really have any plots. I usually just place several characters in a world and see what happens. I don't mind thinking of something, though, if you want.

I'm interested! Maybe we could do a bit of worldbuilding beforehand and figure it out? PM me, please, and we can work things out ^-^

I would be open if you guys don't work it out. I am okay with any species, but am extremely talented with wolves and other canids. I am extremely literate, seeing as I am working on a book series as of now, and usually do several paragraphs, but I may do littler if I am very tired. I mostly play female, but am open to male if need be. I have lots of plots we could do, and am extremely good with names, worldbuilding, etc. As a conclusion, I am very adaptable to anything you wish and am very talented with my words and RPing. I am very experienced. ^w^
