
I'm trying to find a wolf in the memorial to write something about her. But She's not on the list... The male wolf that died on the same day (very unfortunate, I wonder what happened?) is in the list.

Did they have any offspring? If not, they are removed from the game completely

She did, but I guess if all the pups were freed/retired then it would be like not having any pups, would it?
She was such a good hunter, I guess it'll be a lesson learned. :(
Thank you for helping solve it!

Gemstone Wolves said: She did, but I guess if all the pups were freed/retired then it would be like not having any pups, would it?
Yep, I guess I should have said living offspring
Gemstone Wolves said:
Thank you for helping solve it!
No problem:)

Just adding in something, wolves of the ages of 15 and above have a chance at dying every monday, so thats why your wolves died on the same day. How older they are, the more chance they have at dying.
I hope this helped, though ignore this if ya already knew. It was just the questioning tone at the 'i wonder what happened?' that made me answer that question ^^

OK, thank you, I'll make a note of Mondays being the dreaded day! :)