
I breed her to my wolf, Storm, who had been bought at an auction by Bluemoon. And I accidentally freeranged her...
I got her back, and I just now realized that she is no longer pregnant. Why?
This is her.
This is Storm
https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2099958 Edited at January 25, 2019 09:30 PM by The Moons Silence

she might've been close to finishing labor, and when you FR-ed her, she might've birthed, and had the pups become loners

Administrator Lightbringer
When you free range a wolf it removes their pregnancy.

Wolffang said: she might've been close to finishing labor, and when you FR-ed her, she might've birthed, and had the pups become loners
She wasnt in labor, she wasnt even near it she had literally just been breed
Youre kidding right? Edited at January 25, 2019 09:29 PM by The Moons Silence

Administrator Lightbringer
Not kidding.
Because those wolves are in process of exiting the game.