
So when I started, I had no idea that I had to kill all the enemies to finish the level and finally, after I've gotten that information and killed all the enemies I could find, I'm stuck with a 100% explored map with one animal I haven't killed AND I CAN'T FIND IT!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Can I fix this or an I stuck trying to find this one badger or fox in an already all the way explored space. (Sorry, just a little upset about this one animal.)

Also, what happens if I were to click Restart Highest Level instead of Continue Highest Level.

Shadow Hunters said: Also, what happens if I were to click Restart Highest Level instead of Continue Highest Level.
It would restart the entire level :)

Is that what I have to do to fix the problem?


Shadow Hunters said: Is that what I have to do to fix the problem?
Is you want... I mean it will reset the whole entire level and you will have to do everything again :/



Also, I don't have any apples :(

Its 30 mush. In realm. In barter. It is in the first column in the second row. https://wolfplaygame.com/images/inventory/explorersmap.png It looks like this.