
Hi, I have just become a premium member but I have some doubts about the familiars thing. More specifically, I don't know what familiars are particularly useful. Is there a list of familiars with their attack power, HP and mushrooms needed, or would someone please suggest familiars they think are good to have? Thanks a lot!

Idk about a list, but I like to take my gorilla along with me. I find them strong with enough health to survive. Burros are also useful to me because they have (I'm pretty sure) 120 health

Ah, interesting. I wonder how much is their attack power and does it cost a lot to feed them?

Gorilla is 3
Burro is 4
And I'm not sure about the attack power. I just know they have been the best familiars I've befriended

Thank you. Do you just not take lower HP familiars or do you have a way to keep them alive? Also, do they heal every 15 min and amount depends on happiness, like wolves do?

I personally don't take lower HP familiars because when battling strong enemies they get killed in one or two hits.
If I notice my good familiar has really low health left, I will stop exploring then go back in without them so they don't die and so I don't have to go befriend another.
I do not think they heal every 15 min. I think it's only once a day at like 12 am. I'm not positive on this, but this is my theory because they are never healed the next time I explore

Game Moderator Neutral
Moonshadow said:
I do not think they heal every 15 min. I think it's only once a day at like 12 am. I'm not positive on this, but this is my theory because they are never healed the next time I explore
This would be because you have 0 pack happiness.
They actually do heal multiple times a day, however I'm unsure if it's every 15 minutes. But it does depend on pack happiness
https://i.postimg.cc/rwxr4VNN/814-C13-C6-CCEA-4-BBA-957-B-7-A20992-A7-FC8.jpg Edited at January 12, 2019 09:25 AM by Destinations End
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Wow burro is strong... I think it has healed for a little bit. It seems to me that if you are facing multiple enemies then only 1 would attack the familiar?

Destinations End said:
Moonshadow said:
I do not think they heal every 15 min. I think it's only once a day at like 12 am. I'm not positive on this, but this is my theory because they are never healed the next time I explore
This would be because you have 0 pack happiness.
They actually do heal multiple times a day, however I'm unsure if it's every 15 minutes. But it does depend on pack happiness
I know my happiness is at 0. Nothing heals at 0. But my familiars are never healed even when i have 100. I'm pretty sure they dont heal every 15 min because of this Edited at January 12, 2019 11:48 AM by Moonshadow

No it's not 15 min, and not as much as wolves. My burro just healed for 9 HP and probably once an hour?