
Hello! Umm I just recently got a premium account and I was wondering what the significance of the play option is? Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Grisha The play button is there to let you have a chance it earn play points with your wolves every time they come pack from explore and not flee. They have a chance to earn a play point or "yip and runs to the shade to hide". Every 25 play points earned a new play option will open up and you will also be able to collect 25 CP from it.

Crimson roses said: GrishaThe play button is there to let you have a chance it earn play points with your wolves every time they come pack from explore and not flee. They have a chance to earn a play point or "yip and runs to the shade to hide". Every 25 play points earned a new play option will open up and you will also be able to collect 25 CP from it.
Oh cool! Thank you so much!