
Ok. I got a question. I have a female wolf that is 13. I know that wolves grow to be 15. I recently bred this wolf, and a pregnancy lasts 4 days. So, my question is: What happens if my wolf dies? Do I still get the pups? I dont think I would, but Idk.
Im a pretty new player so I may come back with more questions. :) Thank you

If you female passes away and she was still pregnant Then yes the pups will die also. Edited at January 4, 2019 06:33 PM by ReyLastJedi2019

Ah, ok thanks. I thought that might happen

Game Moderator Neutral
ReyLastJedi2019 said: If you female passes away and she was still pregnant Then yes the pups will die also.
This. However she won't have the chance of dying until she has turned 15, so there's no need to worry for her right now if she's only 13.
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Alright, I got new questions. What happens when you make a wolf leave the pack? Also, what happens when you retire a wolf? finally, what does stalking a wolf do? Thank you

Game Moderator Neutral
Leaving a pack sends the wolf to the free range, where they stay for about 24 hours before being sent to the heavens or getting deleted permanently from the game. A handful of wolves from the free range are put into sanctuary the day following the day they were free ranged and people have a chance to bid on the sanctuary wolves. The ones not bid on either are moved to the heavens or are deleted after the sanctuary closes
Retiring a wolf sends rhe wolf directly to the heavens and gives you a bone that can be spent in biddo's shop. You can add this wolf to your memorial garden
Stalking a wolf is just watching the wolf, you can select to be sent notifications about the wolf, like if it's put up for breeding or up for sale, through the page that shows what wolves you're stalking.
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Alright, I got a little issue. So, when I go out gathering, I bring 6 wolves with me, always the same ones. But recently I noticed both my alphas are not fighting anymore. Neither foe nor food. This is quite an issue as they are my highest levels and without them it takes a lot longer to kill things. They are literally just sitting in battle and getting hit (and killed). Is this a glitch? Can I fix it? Edited at January 22, 2019 02:09 AM by RiverWolfe

*copies and pastes* They have 100 battle experience. Which means they are on a defense move. So you need to manually change that to an offense move until they gain enough BE to get to 125 BE and learn a new offense move. :)

Destinations End said: Leaving a pack sends the wolf to the free range, where they stay for about 24 hours before being sent to the heavens or getting deleted permanently from the game. A handful of wolves from the free range are put into sanctuary the day following the day they were free ranged and people have a chance to bid on the sanctuary wolves. The ones not bid on either are moved to the heavens or are deleted after the sanctuary closes
Retiring a wolf sends rhe wolf directly to the heavens and gives you a bone that can be spent in biddo's shop. You can add this wolf to your memorial garden
Stalking a wolf is just watching the wolf, you can select to be sent notifications about the wolf, like if it's put up for breeding or up for sale, through the page that shows what wolves you're stalking.
Where can I set to get notifications on the wolves I stalk? I don't think I've ever gotten any...

Thank you everyone! I got a new question: I got a lot of seeds for different plants (mint, rosemary, etc.) and would like to grow these. How do I do this?