
I'm a returning member but it's been awhile and idk if this was a change or something.
when i started the game i was asked to pick a faction like normal, but neutral wasn't an option. i used to be able to pick neutral but it just wasn't there. just lightbringer and darkseeker. My question is how come i was unable to pick nuetral? i looked for a way to change it but i didn't find the option even after joining, so is there still an option to change it? if so where might i find that?

Sometimes, SixBears disables the ability to join as a Neutral, likely in an attempt to keep faction numbers balanced seeing as Neutrals used to have a massive number advantage over Darkseekers and Lightbringers. It is possible to change your Allegiance with a Glacial Ice, which can be purchased at Realm > Barter > Apples.

With apples? i thought there was a free option once every 30 days or something. not that its a huge deal but do they unlock that option? am i stuck with darkbringer??? I dont like the idea of being forced into another faction and having to use apples to change it.

We used to have the option to change it once every 30 days on our Account page, similar to how we can change our pack name, but it has long since been removed due to people abusing the system. Now the only way to change it is with apples, yes.

you couldve not picked anything and just continued playing without ever picking a side it wouldnt force you i think LOL but i see you already did so yea apple item the only way now

i did try not picking either it wouldnt let me continue. its extremely annoying that they've changed it in such a way and frustrating but regardless thank you both for your responses.