
What app do you prefer?(I'm new when it comes to coloring line art) I want to color already maid line art. Edited at November 11, 2018 12:41 AM by ShadowWolf1389

paint tool SAI is what I use and I like it

Im cheap and love my FireAlpaca ^^
But Ive heard Krita is really good to and if you want to invest Adobe Photoshop has some really great reviews. Plus, you can make a lineart with a white background transparent on Adobe Photoshop which I think would be super cool and helpful.


I use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro! It's free to download on a tablet or phone and is quite easy to use and navigate! It comes with a multitude of high quality brushes and brush settings.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I use Adobe Photoshop :3
But my art is trash :3
But Adobe Photoshop's pretty good. It's a bit difficult to navigate at first.

For colouring, I would suggest not using Photoshop.It's an app made for photo manipulation, rather than colouring, and is a little difficult to get the hang of. I'd go for something casual and easier to navigate.Here's a few applications I recommend that are free, or just cheap: https://sketchbook.com/ http://firealpaca.com/ https://medibangpaint.com/en/ https://krita.org/en/

Game Moderator Darkseeker
There is also a list of graphics programs I made here: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=35&t=10523