
my wolves keep producing hero pups or almost heroes. I was wondering what price point i should put them at. as of now they all are 13 or under.

Usually I just add on one or two mush per + Vitals.
So if it has +3 in one I would add 3 onto the base price that I would usually have it as.

For me, it depends. Most people don't really see them as any worth unless they are more than just hero(boost,rare,coat defect,etc). But some people do like them for just being hero. I havent sold a plain hero for more than 5 mush thougn

Moonshadow said: For me, it depends. Most people don't really see them as any worth unless they are more than just hero(boost,rare,coat defect,etc). But some people do like them for just being hero. I havent sold a plain hero for more than 5 mush thougn
This. I used to give away low rarity/talent heros for free, but since the bones feature were implemented, all kinds of wolves are more valuable now, and even completely terrible wolves can sell for up to 5 mush. So I think you could potentially sell heros for 10 mush each now, but not more than that unless they have other desired features.

It really depends. If it's like +1 in all stats, or even a couple more in a few stats, no more than an actual wolf. I'd say that heroes in general, on their own, aren't worth much unless it's like +4 or +5 in all stats. Although if the wolf is low-talented/otherwise a dud, but still has high vitals, it still isn't worth that much.
Nice vitals are more of a bonus that people breed for secondarily, they aren't worth tons on their own.