
Okay, just some questions about the event
Where do i find these quests that i have to complete?
What are are all the monsters i have to defeat (ive only ran into the dude that drops raven feathers and ive been exploring for 3 days)?
Ive run into about 4 undead wolves in total and havent been able to howl good enough, even with my excellent howler on my team. Is it just random?
What do i do with the anise? Edited at October 3, 2018 02:39 PM by Moonshadow

Question one: You find quests by random, like the witch. Question three: It's random, at least a mod told me. Question four: You give the anise to the witch in explore, along with a Jack-O-Lantern mushroom and agrimony. For doing this, she gives you a brain.
I'm unsure about question 2.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Literally everything you need for the event is located in Explore. So just keep exploring~

Question 2: The creatures you can defeat to get brains are undead bear, undead Larry, and undead Brad (I might be missing some). The creatures you can defeat to get hell hound hearts are Gytrash, Yeth Hound, and I believe the other hell hounds are in explore too (you can see the hell hound creatures in the event shop under Familiars). The hellhounds and undeads have 100 health and do 25 damage. If you have at least 5 hell hound hearts, you can exchange them for brains when you meet Gwyn ad Nudd (raven feather dude)
Question 3: Wolves with excellent howling rating will have a better chance of defeating the undead wolf, but your explore wolf chosen to howl is random. Edited at October 3, 2018 04:23 PM by Dark Side of a Moon

Okay, next question(sorry)
Gwyn and Nudd, does he only give you raven feathers? If so, hes not worth fighting

Moonshadow said: Okay, next question(sorry)
Gwyn and Nudd, does he only give you raven feathers? If so, hes not worth fighting
When you fight him, yes, he will only drop raven feathers. However, if you get five hell hound hearts from fighting the various hellhound-like creatures in explore, the Gwyn will give you 5 brains and you won't have to fight him.

Dash Attacked said:
Moonshadow said: Okay, next question(sorry)
Gwyn and Nudd, does he only give you raven feathers? If so, hes not worth fighting
When you fight him, yes, he will only drop raven feathers. However, if you get five hell hound hearts from fighting the various hellhound-like creatures in explore, the Gwyn will give you 5 brains and you won't have to fight him.
At what level/territory do hell hounds appear?

What are raven feathers for?

Kosho said: What are raven feathers for?
They decrease the chance of a wolf dying

Moonshadow said:
Dash Attacked said:
Moonshadow said: Okay, next question(sorry)
Gwyn and Nudd, does he only give you raven feathers? If so, hes not worth fighting
When you fight him, yes, he will only drop raven feathers. However, if you get five hell hound hearts from fighting the various hellhound-like creatures in explore, the Gwyn will give you 5 brains and you won't have to fight him.
At what level/territory do hell hounds appear?
Apologies for the late reply. They can appear on any level/territory. ^^;