
I have bred my High rarity dynamic pelt female wolf to a 118 rarity legendary and dynamic coat and eyes, but got really low rarity pups with not even a rare coat color. how do i get high rarity pups from 2 high rarity parents, im wasting a lot of mushrooms paying good prices for male wolves and am getting bad results. help please!

You can buy an item in the barter called a raspberry. There are 3 different colors, for 3 different chances of working. They are in barter>>apples.


Silver Night Moon said: is that the only way?
I just remembered. There's also a green fern. That's also an Apple item.

Rarity is mostly chance, so breeding high rarity wolves together will not guarantee high rarity pups, and only ups the chance by a small amount.

Its because breeding dynamic pelts dont guarantee high rarity pups. Its rare the pups inherit dynamic pelts from parents, so when breeding you need to consider how high the rarity of your female is without the added rarity of a dynamic pelt. Since your female has 54 rarity, without the dynamic pelt she is 14. This combined with 118 commonly results in low rarity pups.
Hope that helps ^-^ Edited at October 27, 2018 06:02 PM by Dark Blood Pack