
Okay I'm bored and don't feel like arting at the moment so, might as well play this game and see what y'all want to learn about me! :D Ask away I guess?
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If you can, do you remember your first "favorite" wolf?
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Cap I actually do remember! His original name was Fade (And that's still what I call him) but I changed it because I wrote a thing that shall not be talked about Zeraphia said: If you can, do you remember your first "favorite" wolf?
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Awhh that's adorable. :3 what art program do you use?
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Procreate! That's the first one I used and I adore it, I do wish I could use it on my computer tho, photoshop hates me XD
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Oooh procreate is solid. That's what I use as well.
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:D what was one of your favorite stories/rps/etc. that you've done?
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On here? Probably an rp I did back in 2020 with an old friend Swagger. I still have it saved in my game mail. It was like bad boy x good girl with horses? I remember I used a really old character Jay (Who now has fallen into the lore of my modern characters, he's a grandpa now I believe). Honestly I should revamp him since there were so many people that loved him!
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I love that! Those are some of the best types of RPs.
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