
I'm having trouble understanding what would clarify as a brindle pup on WP. Is it a specific pelt/ color type? ..am I missing something? how would I get a brindle pup?
I would love to be able to complete this side bar quest so any help would be appreciated!

Brindle. Is a pelt marking. You can breed your wolf to a wolf with brindle, but it works the other way around too. If both parents have brindle, it's a higher chance.

Thank you @Absolute I think I understand what you are saying. Hopefully I can successfully breed a brindle pup now!



Game Moderator Darkseeker
This is the brindle marking- https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=9&shadow=Y&sex=F&base=1&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=0&tailtype=0&pointscolor=0&brindle=5&eyes=1&muzzletype=0&muzzlecolor=0&headtype=0&ears=0&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=0&specklecolor=0&eecolor=0&eetype=0&nose=0&okapi=0&leopard=0&decor1=0&gear=0&harl=0&bel=0&som=0&pietype=0&alt=1
To breed one, you have to look for another wolf that has the brindle marking and attempt to breed it. It's usually very easy to breed for.
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Please help me breed a brindle pup how can I do it?

Blackfire said: Please help me breed a brindle pup how can I do it?
Breed one of your females to a male with the brindle marking. You will have a chance of getting a brindle pup You can search for males in the trading post, or ask someone in sales chat :)

what does this brindle marking look like??