
I was told that items i am selling in the market still need to be buried or can get stolen. ok. well, I have rooom in the storage den for inventory, however the button to press to bury the item is not there. How can I bury it? the UNBURY buttons show...just fine...but not he bury one

If the items are already up for sale, they can't be buried. You'll have to bury the items and then put them up for sale afterwards. . You'll also need to put them up for sale using the single item/food lists, otherwise they won't show up in the list. . Edit: Seemed it have changed or I'm just misremembering it. If you have space and still can't bury it, it's probably a bug. Edited at August 30, 2024 04:56 PM by LoveSick

re: items placed for sale: someone told me they could still be stolen from the market?

Items in your market den can still be stolen. What you have to do to put it up is unbury it, but once you get it up for sale you can bury it again if you have the space and it won't be stolen because it's buried. It's useful for items you think you could use if they don't get sold ^^ Edited at August 30, 2024 04:45 PM by Salem
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I just placed three items in the market den and they are gone in the blink of an eye. not sold. no notice about them being stolen immediately, are things commonly stolen immediately like that? and no notice?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
A screenshot of all the issues you're having would help! Do you have notifications turned off for stolen items maybe?