
Colored by: Rogue Wildfires (309090) - Edited at October 23, 2024 10:27 AM by Rogue Whispers

Just a quick, fun adopt so I have mushies again :P Rules ----------------------- - Do NOT beg for rarer cats. I won't give them to you. - Don't constantly ask where or when the ar will be done, I too have stuff that goes on and sometimes can't log on. - I will only take four people at once. Anyone else will be put on the waitlist - If crediting elsewhere, use my TH (RogueWildfires39) - Places Alaskan Mountains: Chance at Finding Small or long cat - 10 Mush Forest: Chance at finding Fluffy or large cats - 15 Mush Farm: Odd pelted cats - 20 Mush Streets: Mixed species of cats - 30 Mush - Items - Leash (Unlimited)(Needed) - Used to capture cat - 10 Mush Cage (Unlimited)(Needed) - Used to catch more than one cat - 10 Mush Tuna (10 Uses)(Needed) - Used for bait to catch a cat - 10 Mush Muzzle - Used to catch aggresive cats - 25 Mush Flashlight - Needed for mountains - 25 Mush Bottle - Higher chance of getting a kitten: 35 Mush Bell - Cat will have a defect - 35 Mush Cat Nip - You can choose what patterns your cat has - 45 Mush Potion Bottle - Cat has a colorful pelt - 50 Mush Bedding - Cat could be pregnant - 50 Mush - - - Form Pack Name and ID: Place: Items: Total Mush: Other: - - - -------Adventures------- - StarDarc - 120 Mush - Leash, Cage, Tuna, Muzzle, Bell - Streets - Amethyst - 110 Mush - Bedding, Leash, Tuna, Cage - Streets - Rainbow River - 115 Mush - Cage, Leash, Tuna, Flashlight, Bell - Alaskan Mountains - - -------Waitlist------- - - - - - Edited at October 24, 2024 04:42 PM by Rogue Whispers

Pack Name and ID: StarDarc, 316951 Place: Streets Items: Leash, Cage, Tuna, Muzzle, Bell Total Mush: 120 Other: Will pay once told to!

Alright! You can pay after the interactive ^^ StarDarc said: Pack Name and ID: StarDarc, 316951 Place: Streets Items: Leash, Cage, Tuna, Muzzle, Bell Total Mush: 120 Other: Will pay once told to!

StarDarc - You set out with your bag, heading to town crawling with cats. Already you see many cats, though they hiss and run away from you. Soon the streets are empty, only you walking. Every now and then you see eyes staring at you from the darkness, but you keep your face forward. A while later, the path splits. The path going to the left leads you deeper into the town, while the right one leads to what looks like an abandoned bank. - Right Left Turn Around -


Pack Name and ID: The Amethyst 315197 Place: Streets Items:Bedding, Leash, Tuna, Cage Total Mush:120 Other: will pay once told

Okay! Mush is actually 110, and can be sent after ^^ I'll post your interactive soon The Amethyst said: Pack Name and ID: The Amethyst 315197 Place: Streets Items:Bedding, Leash, Tuna, Cage Total Mush:120 Other: will pay once told

Rogue Whispers said: Okay! Mush is actually 110, and can be sent after ^^ I'll post your interactive soon The Amethyst said: Pack Name and ID: The Amethyst 315197 Place: Streets Items:Bedding, Leash, Tuna, Cage Total Mush:120 Other: will pay once told

Pack Name and ID: Rainbow River Place: Alaskan Mountains Items: Leash, Cage, Tuna, flashlight, bell Total Mush: 115 Other: Thanks so much!