
Administrator Lightbringer
We'd like to know your favorite part of the Game. Poll Question: Which Do You Like Better?Total Votes: 191
Breeding : | 65 | 34% | | Exploring : | 82 | 43% | | Roleplaying : | 26 | 14% | | Chatting : | 7 | 4% | | Alliances : | 1 | 1% | | Questing : | 4 | 2% | | Other (Describe) : | 6 | 3% | | You have cast your vote.

Roleplaying for sure. I love exploring too but it kinda goes in circles, what I mean is I'll get super into it and then burn out for a while which makes it a second choice but still pretty close to roleplaying so kinda a mix of both
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Exploring. I also breed a lot, I think I have less than 50 explores to almost 100 breeders, but it's always focusing on producing good battle wolves (weight, vitals, ratings and boosts)

PvP/WoW, explore, and breeding :)
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Roleplaying, exploring and art! Being able to chat and share art with the others in the community is a really fun aspect.
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I love the art community here!

I like roleplaying the best, but I also like PvP.

I love everything honestly :) So I voted since "Everything" isnt an option bahah

I love exploring and with exploring comes questing which I also enjoy doing. Breeding will be my next choice as that's all I'm here for exploring and breeding lol

Chatting because this game is the only thing I communicate on. I don't like talking to people in person :p