
The Characters of Bone LINEAGE OF EVIL Edited at June 30, 2020 05:14 AM by ASomeonePerson

The story of The Lineage of Evil began with me as a mere eleven-year-old, shared with Marrow when I was thirteen, and given so much more depth by months of careful brainstorming and regaining of lost brain cells. So: please do not steal my characters. DO NOT copy-paste their personalities and backstories. Though you may take inspiration from them, please be creative and make it so that it is not so obvious that you garnered these ideas from me. Feel free to give your own characters the appearances of mine, but DO NOT copy my characters' unique complexions. I cannot stress this enough, but please do not steal my characters. I have spent months, if not years, developing them into who they are now. They mean a lot to me. Should you respect my wishes, I will be grateful. Thank you. Edited at June 30, 2020 03:31 AM by ASomeonePerson

I N D E X (in order of species & creation) WOLVES [pg. 1-?] Veda [pg. 1] The Trio [pg. 1] {The Black She-Wolf} Motoki | Ezhno Lunar | Amaury Fresco | Cirpinti The Pack [pg. 1] Chemukh-Chemukh Ayet | Daeva Payton The Pack of the West Fala Flo Riptide Taima Taini Posala Maska Muraco The Cult Luna The Eastern Walkers Tamaya Sayen Lusio Chowilawu Maikoh Amarog Maiyun Maheegan Waya Tiponi Hahkethomemah The Northern Keepers Nuka Unolvtani Motega The Pack of the Northeast . RAVENS Spekð "Quill" Sál Daeva's Unkind Conspiracy Efla Bani Vit Hefnd Horskr Hvass Hilly Illska Awnd Hath BEARS Nokosi Edited at June 30, 2020 09:29 AM by ASomeonePerson

FORM STYLE NAME [Title] {Name Meaning} "Quote" ____________ Species: Name: Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: Relatives: Other: ____________ Art: Edited at June 30, 2020 05:27 AM by ASomeonePerson

VEDA [The One of the Mountains] {Knowledge} "May the Great Ancestors Forgive Me, for no one else will." ____________ Species: Name: Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: Relatives: Other: ____________ Art: Edited at June 30, 2020 04:04 AM by ASomeonePerson

MOTOKI | EZHNO [The Black She-Wolf] {Black}, {One Who Walks Alone} "Quote" ____________ Species: Mackenzie Valley Wolf Name: Ezhno Former Name: Motoki Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: A creature of indifference, one that, like everyone else in this godforsaken world, started out nice. Kind eyes, warm smile, soft-and-fluffy personality, though impatient she may have been during her youth. Of course, things such as that never truly last. Ezhno learned to mask the things she felt, or, perhaps she learned to stop feeling altogether; no one really knows, not even herself. The lights in her eyes are trapped behind a layer of apathy, a maze of learned callousness that only the bravest of hearts dare to traverse, that only the sharpest of minds will see the end of. Or else they will get pricked by the thorns of pain, of trauma, of sorrows so great and demons so powerful that they will surely overtake one's pure soul. For darkness as vast as this cannot be contained within one individual, but by the Great Ancestors, Ezhno tries. Perhaps it is selflessness, perhaps foolishness, or even an odd sense of masochism that drives her to keep it bottled up until she cracks and explodes. But perseverance, patience, kindness--things the world lost and will never truly get back--they are the key to finding a place in her heart, to be a spotlight in her churning seas of agony, to be a soldier in her battles against the heathens raging in her mind. But such a lonesome creature is difficult to crack. To find their way to the other side of the maze, one first has to locate it, if she will let you. [personality developed by me. personality wrote by Polly] Relatives: Other: ____________ Art: Edited at July 2, 2020 05:53 AM by ASomeonePerson

LUNAR | AMAURY [The Brother] {Moon}, {Work Power} "Quote" ____________ Species: Mackenzie Valley Wolf Name: Amaury Former Name: Lunar Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: Relatives: Other: ____________ Art: Coloring/Rendering Credit: me Edited at June 30, 2020 04:06 AM by ASomeonePerson

FRESCO | CIRPINTI [The One Who Followed Evil] {Painting}, {Waves} "Quote" ____________ Species: Mackenzie Valley Wolf Name: Cirpinti Former Name: Fresco Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: Relatives: Other: ____________ Art:

CHEMUKH-CHEMUKH AYET | DAEVA [The Evil One] {Black Lassie}, {Devil} "Quote" ____________ Species: Mackenzie Valley Wolf Name: Daeva Former Name: Chemukh-Chemukh Ayet Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: Relatives: Other: ____________ Art:

PAYTON [The One Who Tried] "Quote" ____________ Species: Grey Wolf Name: Payton Nicknames: Accepted Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: [Physical] Height: Length: Weight: [Notable Scarring] Personality: Relatives: Other: ____________ Art:
Edited at July 10, 2020 01:35 AM by ASomeonePerson