
Please do not post if you aren't Destinations End or Spriritus Lunae. Thanks! :)

So basically I had an idea for a canine RP if you are keen? I will post it anyways and you can see what you think. One dog is from a circus. A cruel one, a circus that still illegally uses animals in their secret performances. They are treated like royalty on stage but like dirt behind the scenes. The dog performs tricks to a high level, even jumping through rings of fire in the final act. One night it all goes wrong. The dog’s fur catches on the flame and is scorched. They realise what a cruel and dangerous world they have been living in at this circus and plan an escape. Alone, they make it out, scouring the wilderness and finding their way to the city. There they meet the other dog etc. One dog is from a lab. Born and bred there for testing purposes. (Whoever chooses this one can come up with a reason for testing.) They think life is normal, until they get a glimpse of the outside, their first walk in the open. It sparks an idea of escape, until the testing begins. Then a test goes wrong and they suffer from a terrible injury (or sickness/distortion) and the lab testers are going to put the dog down. Knowing that, the dog miraculously escapes and finds themselves on the run. In the city the two dogs meet up. They then have to learn how the wild works etc, because they have never eaten anything other than food that is brought to them etc. Does that sound like a good idea?

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Reserve for my characters
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Game Moderator Neutral
Reserve for my characters
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Game Moderator Neutral

Reserve for my characters