
I have been a colorist on HEE (horse Eden even ting, the sister game to WP.) for who knows how long, And I've gotten so many PM's about how I'm not an artist, I shouldn't take credit on the lines I color. Like excuse me?! I colored them! I'm giving credits to the line art owners?! I don't understand why people say that, I know I'm not an artist. I'm a colorist. A colorist colors premade lines that are free to use. I have run into this problem on both HEE and WP. I just don't understand. Maybe I'll quit it then.

Yooo, people get pissy as shizzles over colorists, it sucks for real. I may not be a colorist but I know DAMNNNNNNN well I hate coloring, shit. Being a colorist is a damn worthy of the title artist. It is hard work and something some people literally get paid to do by the artists who drew the lines. . Considering the fact that it is a legitimate job. I recently saw a comic artist(Pet Foolery, amazing comics, recommended) and he pays a colorist to make it easier on himself. So yeah, you're an artist, and you're handy indeed. Edited at February 26, 2024 07:07 PM by BJake
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BJake said: Yooo, people get pissy as shizzles over colorists, it sucks for real. I may not be a colorist but I know DAMNNNNNNN well I hate coloring, shit. Being a colorist is a damn worthy of the title artist. It is hard work and something some people literally get paid to do by the artists who drew the lines. . Considering the fact that it is a legitimate job. I recently saw a comic artist(Pet Foolery, amazing comics, recommended) and he pays a colorist to make it easier on himself. So yeah, you're an artist, and you're handy indeed.
Thank you! Finally someone who understands

even at that some people cant do lines very well(me) but are DAMN good at coloring them- and making sure the colors line up, the shading and everything else is difficult!

I agree with BJake. I knew someone who loved coloring so much she would have taken any job where all she had to do was color. I grew up among coloring sheets and printed linearts. It takes a certain skill to color a lineart the same way it takes a certain skill to create the lineart itself. It is the same difficulty, if not harder, to truly color something unique than to line-art something. Line-arts can be traced or reused. The best designs are truly unique to themselves. As a fellow colorist/artist, I understand how under-appreciated most colorists are. I'm sorry you had to go through this.

-Sweet-Poison- said: even at that some people cant do lines very well(me) but are DAMN good at coloring them- and making sure the colors line up, the shading and everything else is difficult!
Especially when coloring your own lines, you have to figure out where the shadows go, what colors to use, if you want it to be realistic, Etc.

Long Wang said: I agree with BJake. I knew someone who loved coloring so much she would have taken any job where all she had to do was color. I grew up among coloring sheets and printed linearts. It takes a certain skill to color a lineart the same way it takes a certain skill to create the lineart itself. It is the same difficulty, if not harder, to truly color something unique than to line-art something. Line-arts can be traced or reused. The best designs are truly unique to themselves. As a fellow colorist/artist, I understand how under-appreciated most colorists are. I'm sorry you had to go through this.
Colorists are very under appreciated. They don't get as much respect as artist do.

Yep. Your an artist. Just because you don't draw the lines, Doesn't mean your not an artist. I'm in love with your coloring, And Your REALLY good at it. So whoever said your not one, Send them this forum, and tell them to fuck off.