
discussion thread for everyone who has had their character(s) accepted into the roleplay! some players may be allowed to post here if and only if i tell them they can come chat! --> sign-ups <-- --> roleplay thread <-- --> discussion <-- Edited at October 27, 2024 05:27 PM by Voxtexy
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First one in the new thread-- Saul is totally open to relations and future "story-lines/stuff to happen/he's just open to use wherever" stuff!
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Likewise, I'm totally happy for any fun stuff that anyone wants to pull with Cori or Addie, though I will warn that I prefer IC buildup for romance. : )

Hope you're all having a great time plotting btw! Edited at October 2, 2024 10:08 PM by Moonbane

I can totally see Addie not entirely getting along with Saul. XD
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Hey y'all!
I'm also very open to creating relationships with Ikaris. Anything romantic has to build via the roleplay of course, but I'm definitely open to him being friends/close friends to characters prior to the roleplay starting. :>
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I feel like Ikaris and Saul have had a couple run-ins, just judging by the knuckles and scar tissue, they probably have at least a "cordial" relationship.
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I will say that Ikaris 1000% avoids going to the pack medics for anything. It's been something that he always does, no matter the roleplay he gets put in lol.
Though his reasoning is usually to save himself from getting a lecture or it's a "pride" thing. He's definitely not one to fight if someone drags his ass to a medic, or if a medic sees him before he can try to scamper away. He'll roll over relatively easy unless he's in a sour mood.
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Of course it also depends on the mood of the medic too. If he doesn't sense irritation or anythin' inherently negative, I can see him being less wary of seeking help for things, especially if he's close with them or if they're consistently in a positive/neutral mood whenever he does need to get help. :> Edited at October 2, 2024 09:41 PM by Voxtexy
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Oh for sure. Saul is not the type of person to give "lectures" might crack a joke or two but definitely isn't the lecture type of person XDD
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