
I mean considering the two made up ; they should be okay-ish terms. But their may be bad blood since our two were a bit stubborn and hostile with each other for 10 years after the break up - but, they're back to being friends comfortably Shadows in the Mist said: Matunda said: Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Heya guys ^^ Anyone wanna build up some affiliations with my girl Mélusine? Also, I do want to make a second character but would anyone's character be willing to be a parent or a guardian? *I'm cool with any of the groups too :>
I kinda ship her with Tiamat to be honest lol. But I also see them getting along really well as friends
Samaki would be very overprotective of Tiamat.
Overprotective siblings for the win lol. Now I wanna know what Samaki thinks of Okeanos since he's Tiamat's ex XD

Quick question: Are there any limits ta the shape of a mermaid's fluke? Like, could I make one with a vertical one or would I have ta stick ta horizontal ones (since flukes are only really considered ta be on dolphins and whales, if I remember correctly)?
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I would limit it to horizontal ones, to keep true to the fact that mammals (which the mermaids are) have horizontal flukes, and it keeps them at least a little true to mythology

Awesome, thank ya. ^^ Polly said: I would limit it to horizontal ones, to keep true to the fact that mammals (which the mermaids are) have horizontal flukes, and it keeps them at least a little true to mythology
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Shadows in the Mist said: Matunda said: Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Heya guys ^^ Anyone wanna build up some affiliations with my girl Mélusine? Also, I do want to make a second character but would anyone's character be willing to be a parent or a guardian? *I'm cool with any of the groups too :>
I kinda ship her with Tiamat to be honest lol. But I also see them getting along really well as friends
Samaki would be very overprotective of Tiamat.
Overprotective siblings for the win lol. Now I wanna know what Samaki thinks of Okeanos since he's Tiamat's ex XD
Yea... xD

Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Heya guys ^^ Anyone wanna build up some affiliations with my girl Mélusine? Also, I do want to make a second character but would anyone's character be willing to be a parent or a guardian? *I'm cool with any of the groups too :>
I kinda ship her with Tiamat to be honest lol. But I also see them getting along really well as friends
Oooo I can see that happening :D Should we start with friends with some suggestion of a crush one/both ways, then see how it goes from there? ^^ ~~~ Also my Kothe heiress is on the way, sorry for the wait! I was writing her appearance then got sidetracked because I decided to draw her. Then I tried to post her here but I realized I don't actually know how to post pictures on WP 😭 Anyways she should be up sometime tomorrow hopefully Edited at June 6, 2023 06:07 PM by Moose

Moose said: Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Heya guys ^^ Anyone wanna build up some affiliations with my girl Mélusine? Also, I do want to make a second character but would anyone's character be willing to be a parent or a guardian? *I'm cool with any of the groups too :>
I kinda ship her with Tiamat to be honest lol. But I also see them getting along really well as friends
Oooo I can see that happening :D Should we start with friends with some suggestion of a crush one/both ways, then see how it goes from there? ^^
I personally think it would be funny for Tiamat to have a secret one-sided crush on Mélusine. Like they've been friends for a few years now and the recent conflict is what pushes Tiamat to make her move

Okeanos just sipping his tea 🍵 👀 Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Heya guys ^^ Anyone wanna build up some affiliations with my girl Mélusine? Also, I do want to make a second character but would anyone's character be willing to be a parent or a guardian? *I'm cool with any of the groups too :>
I kinda ship her with Tiamat to be honest lol. But I also see them getting along really well as friends
Oooo I can see that happening :D Should we start with friends with some suggestion of a crush one/both ways, then see how it goes from there? ^^
I personally think it would be funny for Tiamat to have a secret one-sided crush on Mélusine. Like they've been friends for a few years now and the recent conflict is what pushes Tiamat to make her move

Spellbound said: Okeanos just sipping his tea 🍵 👀 Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Shadows in the Mist said: Moose said: Heya guys ^^ Anyone wanna build up some affiliations with my girl Mélusine? Also, I do want to make a second character but would anyone's character be willing to be a parent or a guardian? *I'm cool with any of the groups too :>
I kinda ship her with Tiamat to be honest lol. But I also see them getting along really well as friends
Oooo I can see that happening :D Should we start with friends with some suggestion of a crush one/both ways, then see how it goes from there? ^^
I personally think it would be funny for Tiamat to have a secret one-sided crush on Mélusine. Like they've been friends for a few years now and the recent conflict is what pushes Tiamat to make her move
Samaki be chilling in a corner with a stolen cup of tea. 🍵👀

I'll hopefully have a Kothes warrior out soon. >:3
Edit: As in the next few days. Starting tomorrow, the week's gonna become a bit busy for me. Edited at June 6, 2023 09:04 PM by High Hills Pack
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