
After 2144 words, Santos is officially done for tonight Now time to wait on responses XD --- also, sorry if it's horrible, I'm still tired as Hell ;-; Edited at May 19, 2023 11:23 PM by Tamesis

Not Ghazi about to stare Santos down and say that the injuries don't look that bad(must've been a weak wild animal, ha), that someone can check him over if he was actually concerned, but that they need Santos at the station to help with training the others.

I love that Amos and Bea are just standing in the corner of the station, waiting patiently and respecting Ghazi and Estelle, and then Santos just barrels into the office without giving two shits XD Amos will be disappointed (but mildly grateful), and Bea's too upset to care at the moment, lmao

I'm debating making a new character besides Coni. Anyone have any drama they want

Please. Santos helping others train? The most training he can do is let them run and hide while he hunts them down with a rifle. If they're caught, he shoots them. LMAO

Florence his only trained protege 😏 Tamesis said: Please. Santos helping others train? The most training he can do is let them run and hide while he hunts them down with a rifle. If they're caught, he shoots them. LMAO

Santos ignoring them and their meetings sounds like him LOL I feel like its a habit he does and they're getting used to it at some point. When they ask if he knows their names, Santos would say no without shame Besides, he has someone that needs to be messed with for causing his body injuries Lost Memories said: I love that Amos and Bea are just standing in the corner of the station, waiting patiently and respecting Ghazi and Estelle, and then Santos just barrels into the office without giving two shits XD Amos will be disappointed (but mildly grateful), and Bea's too upset to care at the moment, lmao
Edited at May 19, 2023 11:35 PM by Tamesis

Ghazi would stare him down and tell him to at least teach Bea how to actually aim a gun. Tamesis said: Please. Santos helping others train? The most training he can do is let them run and hide while he hunts them down with a rifle. If they're caught, he shoots them. LMAO

Lmaooo Amos just being annoyed with him, but never saying anything because it's really not worth it and he doesn't actually care that much- Meanwhile, I'm mildly surprised he doesn't know Bea, she'd kinda a menace a lot of the time XD Tamesis said: Santos ignoring them and their meetings sounds like him LOL I feel like its a habit he does and they're getting used to it at some point. When they ask if he knows their names, Santos would say no without shame Besides, he has someone that needs to be messed with for causing his body injuries Lost Memories said: I love that Amos and Bea are just standing in the corner of the station, waiting patiently and respecting Ghazi and Estelle, and then Santos just barrels into the office without giving two shits XD Amos will be disappointed (but mildly grateful), and Bea's too upset to care at the moment, lmao

Santos would roll his eyes and reply, "Why not just toss her at the bears and mountain lions? I'm sure she'll get her aim right when she's in a life-and-death situation." Overthink101 said: Ghazi would stare him down and tell him to at least teach Bea how to actually aim a gun. Tamesis said: Please. Santos helping others train? The most training he can do is let them run and hide while he hunts them down with a rifle. If they're caught, he shoots them. LMAO