
Bro, I made Spell blush hard when I was doing Percy Ask her yourself XD Percy is my most downbad character I've ever made

Emery would so be the type who shows X the fan content to tease him about all the love and attention he is getting Tamesis said: X would be the hot bodyguard that the girls would fell in love with and would say the weirdest of shit like, "He can pick me up and throw me out the arena. I wouldn't care as long as it's him." Oh my, him getting grossed out when his admirers send him things

oh my god you told me about this and I- oh boy please bring him along! XD Tamesis said: Bro, I made Spell blush hard when I was doing Percy Ask her yourself XD Percy is my most downbad character I've ever made

Another: "Guess our Angel isn't so holy. His little eyes are wandering a different kind of sacred grounds. Well, more like sacred ass." Voxtexy said: PFF, I'm dying right now omg

*aggressively googling 'how to breathe*
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I love this man so fucking much and he had me laughing on my ass

Another Another: "Our little witch is casting a little spell of sexiness. We're not the only ones charmed by his features, however, as someone else has his eyes on them. Whatever the case may be, I'm sure someone would ride on the magic broom eventually."

I think Percy won by a landslide 😂

nsdfcdsjad, please please
have mercy on my heart- I just know Stace would be dying internally, maybe externally too
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Emery would be laughing their ass off and go out of their way to show Stace Percy's posts