
Accepted! Hollywood Hills said: Pack Name: Hollywood Hills Character Name: Angola Gender: Female Age: 5 years Rank: Hunter Desired Rank (for apprentices): Is fairly content with her role, but secretly dreams of being Alpha like she was in a past life Pack: Dark Pines Scent*: Dirt, redwood, roses Description (minimum 6 sentences): Credits for base on image, color credits here Angola is a rather small wolf, standing at about 25 inches at the shoulder, and weighing in at around 80-85 pounds. Despite her small weight and size, she does have a considerable amount of muscle lining her body, and she is known for her hip and hind leg strength that help with leaping forward during hunts. Her pelt is thick but not incredibly long, other than along her hackles and around her neck. Her face is narrow and elongated, and her ears are slightly bigger than most. Her fur is mostly golden-tan and brown in color, with the exception of deep brown-black tail and ear tips, and a black line leading from the outer corner of her eye to her cheeks. The tip of her muzzle is also tinted dark. Above her eyes are two cream colored circles that look like little eyebrows. Despite her small size, she is strong and fast. [Mod Edit: Removed for hotlinking.] Crush: TBD (open, PM) Mate: TBD (open, PM) Pups: N/A (open to having pups with decided mate, PM) Kin*: N/A (for now open, PM) Personality: Angola isn't exactly described as "chipper" or "friendly." She is known for making snide and snappy remarks, but they are never intended to hurt who they are aimed at. She could be described as rather gruff and blunt, and a bit stern at times. She's a bit brutally honest when it comes to giving her opinion, so anyone who may be a bit sensitive are warned to not come to her for advice. This causes problems sometimes with her relationships within the pack family, and she is often left to herself. She doesn't have much self awareness about her attitude, but if it's pointed out she will try to fix it (after some grumbling of course). She finds it pretty easy to entertain herself, and enjoys looking for unique objects and collecting them. She is well known for stashing/hoarding a few bones from each kill and gnawing on them in artistic patterns. She often dreams of her past life/lives, and is sometimes regarded as strange or weird when she speaks about them. Angola is closely tied with the spirits of those who pass away, and sometimes, although very rarely, has conversations with them. She has no real desire to be "normal," but she reflects a lot about herself in quiet. She may not have much self awareness around others, but it haunts her alone. Despite her oddities and blunt behavior, Angola is a genuine soul who loves her packmates and in the end will do anything for them. Small Backstory*: Angola as the wolf she is now is living her third life. In her life before this one she was the lone Alpha of a pack from a distant land, and the life before that she was the only surviving daughter of the Alpha pair. She remembers only certain things from these lives, but those pasts tend to mess with her memories. In this life she was born into Dark Pines Pack in a litter of three, but both siblings died within the first few weeks of life due to health complications. Since then she seemed to always tend to herself and not play much with others. She didn't socialize enough as a pup, and that is part of her social issues now as an adult. Becoming a hunter helped solidify her place in the pack, and she carries out her duties loyaly. Other: Mostly has romantic interests in males, but isn't opposed to female.
Edited at August 9, 2023 12:16 PM by Evergreen

Accepted! Yukon's Castle said: Pack Name Yukon's Castle Character Name Akela Gender Masculine Age 3 years old Rank Warrior Desired Rank (for apprentices) Wants Alpha Pack Dark Pines Scent* Pine needles and Freshly Fallen Rain Description (minimum 6 sentences) Akela stands a good 6.5 feet shoulder height and weighs around 135 pounds. Though he is well built, Akela doesn't look very built. Having a slick pelt, he looks very thin. The male has a grey base pelt with a dark black nose bridge with a white throat and neck fur, white front left leg and white, tan and grey splotch markings. Crush Open Mate Open Pups N/A Kin* N/A Personality Akela is a very laid back and down-to-earth wolf. Though, he can be very uncaring and mean. He would do anything for his pack though. Akela is very hardworking and loving, and cares greatly for those who show him love and caringness back. (Needs Character Development) Small Backstory* IN RP Other -

The role play is now open!

Character Name: Strifle Gender: Male Age: Five Years Rank: Alpha Male  Stock Photo Credits: @Quiet-bliss on DA Pack: Dark Pines Pack Scent: Mint & Autumn air Description: Strifle is an impressive sight to behold, embodying the ideal appearance for his rank. Standing at a height of nearly 36 inches, he is considered tall for his type, giving him an athletic advantage. His slender build may deceive some, but his dense coat conceals well-toned muscles that have been honed through years of endurance and battle. Weighing in well above 135 pounds, Strifle is a heavyweight with strikingly long legs that make him an excellent runner. His face is lean, and his long neck accentuates his firm physique. The colours of Strifle's fur blend beautifully with the autumn hues, ranging from predominantly red and cool grey to chestnut and white. However, his most prominent feature is his eyes, which glimmer like embers in the night, giving him a dominant stare. His markings are complemented by visible scaring beneath his muzzle, shoulders, and legs, creating a unique pattern against his dapple coat. His attributes overall make Strifle a strong leader. With his coat, he can blend perfectly with his environment. His physical stature allows him to also be a prime hunter and defender. Crush: - Not actively seeking Mate: - Dettered Pups: None Personality: Strong and silent appears to be the leader's approach, relying on silent strength in his position. Strifle avoids the immediate approach to physical dominance, rather, he uses his size and general confidence to command himself. His eyes are quite telling of his mood, narrowing to his surroundings in either accusation or respect. The male wolf is typically not very talkative. He has a rough exterior and tends to respond to conversations in a gruff manner, which often results in short exchanges with others. As the alpha of his pack, he spends most of his time patrolling the grounds or observing from a high perch. Despite his reserved nature, he tries to be approachable and engage with his fellow wolves. However, he always remains alert and aware of his surroundings, which can sometimes make it difficult for him to socialize. Although he is not prone to violence, he has a calm and composed demeanour that masks an underlying temper. He takes his position as alpha seriously and will assert his dominance if he feels disrespected. As a result, some wolves feel the need to tread carefully around him to avoid provoking his anger. Edited at August 1, 2023 11:18 PM by Owl

Accepted! Owl said: Character Name: Strifle Gender: Male Age: Five Years Rank: Alpha Male  Stock Photo Credits: @Quiet-bliss on DA Pack: Dark Pines Pack Scent: Mint & Autumn air Description: Strifle is an impressive sight to behold, embodying the ideal appearance for his rank. Standing at a height of nearly 36 inches, he is considered tall for his type, giving him an athletic advantage. His slender build may deceive some, but his dense coat conceals well-toned muscles that have been honed through years of endurance and battle. Weighing in well above 135 pounds, Strifle is a heavyweight with strikingly long legs that make him an excellent runner. His face is lean, and his long neck accentuates his firm physique. The colours of Strifle's fur blend beautifully with the autumn hues, ranging from predominantly red and cool grey to chestnut and white. However, his most prominent feature is his eyes, which glimmer like embers in the night, giving him a dominant stare. His markings are complemented by visible scaring beneath his muzzle, shoulders, and legs, creating a unique pattern against his dapple coat. His attributes overall make Strifle a strong leader. With his coat, he can blend perfectly with his environment. His physical stature allows him to also be a prime hunter and defender. Crush: - Not actively seeking Mate: - Dettered Pups: None Personality: Strong and silent appears to be the leader's approach, relying on silent strength in his position. Strifle avoids the immediate approach to physical dominance, rather, he uses his size and general confidence to command himself. His eyes are quite telling of his mood, narrowing to his surroundings in either accusation or respect. The male wolf is typically not very talkative. He has a rough exterior and tends to respond to conversations in a gruff manner, which often results in short exchanges with others. As the alpha of his pack, he spends most of his time patrolling the grounds or observing from a high perch. Despite his reserved nature, he tries to be approachable and engage with his fellow wolves. However, he always remains alert and aware of his surroundings, which can sometimes make it difficult for him to socialize. Although he is not prone to violence, he has a calm and composed demeanour that masks an underlying temper. He takes his position as alpha seriously and will assert his dominance if he feels disrespected. As a result, some wolves feel the need to tread carefully around him to avoid provoking his anger.

Character Name: Echo Gender: Female Age: 3 Years Rank: Hunter  Stock Photo Credits: @Quiet-bliss on DA Pack: Golden Forest Pack Scent: Lavender and light rainfall Description: A whisper can turn into a roar, which explains Echo's appearance. Although standing at just above 30 inches, her surrounding muscle makes up for her smaller stature. Her smooth pelt dawns a variation of blush brown and cream patches, complimented with softer hues of grey. White blooms around her eyes, muzzle, and tail that embellish her coat well. While her fur is soft to the touch, it's rather thin. Echo's pelt can blend into the luminous forest ground, allowing for complete camouflage when she hunts. Even with her smaller appearance, her muscled body gives her a bit of leverage in hunting stronger prey, allowing Echo to overpower her opponents. Her lightweight size complements her role well, allowing her to weave through the underbrush of her territory and score small game. Her snout and bones a slender as well, which makes maneuvering through tough spaces easier. Crush: Open Mate: Open Pups: None Personality: The sounds of water crashing by the waterbed are overtaken by a set of wings powering by. A hunter by nature and rank, Echo soars through the familiar brush with deliberate precision. The female had defined every outcome of this hunt as she pushed through the bramble, an exhausting trait at best. Although always priding herself with her hunter's status, it leaves a gaping hole of self-doubt and overthinking life's smallest moments. Her mind is calculated, picking up on the smallest shift in behaviours and tones. Confidence is displayed in many ways and for Echo, it is not her bite. Although exhibiting broad senses of serenity, she is quite tense when dealing with disputes. Besides tackling down large game, or confronting immediate predators on her hunts, she will rarely bare her teeth otherwise. Perhaps this trait is rooted in past experience, which in any sense, she would not repeat it. As an opening for a kill shot enters, Echo's demeanour pricks up in anticipation. She has a great deal of restraint and vigilance, practicing self-control. The female's outer disposition is often bristled, remaining on high alert at all hours of the day. These traits paired with a high-strung temperament, make her a moral packmate. As the opening presents itself, Echo leaps for the kill shot. Her great composure and discipline make up for her lack of physical authority. She acts as both a mediator and a modest pack member. Her approachable image makes her easy to get along with. As she stalks back to her pack grounds, prey in tow, Echo's optimism trails with her.

Accepted! Owl said: Character Name: Echo Gender: Female Age: 3 Years Rank: Hunter  Stock Photo Credits: @Quiet-bliss on DA Pack: Golden Forest Pack Scent: Lavender and light rainfall Description: A whisper can turn into a roar, which explains Echo's appearance. Although standing at just above 30 inches, her surrounding muscle makes up for her smaller stature. Her smooth pelt dawns a variation of blush brown and cream patches, complimented with softer hues of grey. White blooms around her eyes, muzzle, and tail that embellish her coat well. While her fur is soft to the touch, it's rather thin. Echo's pelt can blend into the luminous forest ground, allowing for complete camouflage when she hunts. Even with her smaller appearance, her muscled body gives her a bit of leverage in hunting stronger prey, allowing Echo to overpower her opponents. Her lightweight size complements her role well, allowing her to weave through the underbrush of her territory and score small game. Her snout and bones a slender as well, which makes maneuvering through tough spaces easier. Crush: Open Mate: Open Pups: None Personality: The sounds of water crashing by the waterbed are overtaken by a set of wings powering by. A hunter by nature and rank, Echo soars through the familiar brush with deliberate precision. The female had defined every outcome of this hunt as she pushed through the bramble, an exhausting trait at best. Although always priding herself with her hunter's status, it leaves a gaping hole of self-doubt and overthinking life's smallest moments. Her mind is calculated, picking up on the smallest shift in behaviours and tones. Confidence is displayed in many ways and for Echo, it is not her bite. Although exhibiting broad senses of serenity, she is quite tense when dealing with disputes. Besides tackling down large game, or confronting immediate predators on her hunts, she will rarely bare her teeth otherwise. Perhaps this trait is rooted in past experience, which in any sense, she would not repeat it. As an opening for a kill shot enters, Echo's demeanour pricks up in anticipation. She has a great deal of restraint and vigilance, practicing self-control. The female's outer disposition is often bristled, remaining on high alert at all hours of the day. These traits paired with a high-strung temperament, make her a moral packmate. As the opening presents itself, Echo leaps for the kill shot. Her great composure and discipline make up for her lack of physical authority. She acts as both a mediator and a modest pack member. Her approachable image makes her easy to get along with. As she stalks back to her pack grounds, prey in tow, Echo's optimism trails with her.

Pack Name: distant-lands#304085 Character Name: Snowcub Gender: Male Age: Four Rank: Warrior Pack: Golden Forest Pack Scent: He smells of fresh rainfall and lavender. Description: Snowcub is a rather lanky brute with stark white fur. His pelt is typically clean and well-kept, smooth to the touch. His features are rather soft and delicate, making him appear sensitive or weak. Snow's eyes are a pale shade of red overlapping crystalline blue- which makes them appear nearly purple. His fur tufts out in wispy curls around his throat and cheeks, tail long and bushy. Snow is rather lightweight, though makes up for it in speed granted by his lengthy legs. Crush: tbd Mate: tbd Pups: n/a Kin: n/a Personality: Snowcub is a socially inclined, charming brute. He tends to hold a uplifting, positive attitude and a certain honesty which grants him respect. He's quite the dreamer, and often the enjoyer of nature. Snow has always been entranced by the beauty of the earth around him, enjoying rainy days and dark nights. His albino fur has often caused doubt and disrespect from others, though the brute remains confident and collected. He's not the type to start disputes, but will see them through if needed. Snowcub is a rather observant, thoughtful soul- tending to his packmates' needs whenever possible. He can often be seen as a hopeless romantic type, poetic and eloquent in speech. Snow seems to develop feelings quite rapidly- seeing the beauty in each individual. He can trust too easily, and be a little naive. Snowcub, however, is quite skilled when it comes to battle. His lithe frame allows for optimal agility and speed- no matter his lack of raw strength. Snowcub is horribly diligent in his rank, oftentimes neglecting his own needs in order to fulfill his responsibilities. Perhaps due to a yearning of respect from his pack, or to seem more powerful to the wolves around him. All in all, Snowcub is a respectful brute who can sometimes be a bit awkward in conversation, though he always means the best. Other: n/a Edited at August 2, 2023 03:39 PM by distant-lands
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Hi! I changed my pack name from Aspen’s Quake to Slurpeesaredelicious. Thought I’d let you know! Pack Name: Slurpeesaredelicious 300436 Character Name: Miakoda Gender: Female Age: 3.5 Rank: Head Hunter Desired Rank (for apprentices): Pack: Golden Forest Scent*: Feathers and Lavender Description (minimum 6 sentences): Koda is an elegant, black wolf with white paws and ears. Her eyes are dark amber, visible in the deadest of night. They have a certain charm to them, easy to make anyone give up an argument. She has a fluffy double coat. Her ears are large and prick, making it easy for her to sense upcoming danger. Her paws are large, and her muscles ripple throughout her fluffy, elegant coats. She has eyebrow-like, white spots above her eyes, which are easy to spot. Crush: Tba Mate: None Pups: None Kin*: Rameses-Half Sibling Personality: Koda is a soft, shy wolf with a sprint not too much faster than a normal wolf, her top at about 6.6 mph. She will sometimes fish, if she feels like it. She will always try to share her catches with the others first. She will be rather soft towards pups, and wants some of her own in the future. She wishes every day just for her pack to be happy, and will let them eat first, after all, they have to be well fed to perform well! If someone stirs up a fight, she will side with whoever she thinks is right, but try not to push it further at the same time. If she sees a danger to the pack, she will try to lead the danger away, she doesn’t want to have to lead the pack to a fight or harm anyone or anything. She seems to take a liking to trees, and likes sleeping beside them. Small Backstory*: Koda was born in the Golden Forest Pack, but her parents were both found dead soon after. Other: She has a small scar on her right hind leg from a tussle with a bear Edited at August 3, 2023 07:33 AM by Slurpeesaredelicious

Accepted! distant-lands said: Pack Name: distant-lands#304085 Character Name: Snowcub Gender: Male Age: Four Rank: Warrior Pack: Golden Forest Pack Scent: He smells of fresh rainfall and lavender. Description: Snowcub is a rather lanky brute with stark white fur. His pelt is typically clean and well-kept, smooth to the touch. His features are rather soft and delicate, making him appear sensitive or weak. Snow's eyes are a pale shade of red overlapping crystalline blue- which makes them appear nearly purple. His fur tufts out in wispy curls around his throat and cheeks, tail long and bushy. Snow is rather lightweight, though makes up for it in speed granted by his lengthy legs. Crush: tbd Mate: tbd Pups: n/a Kin: n/a Personality: Snowcub is a socially inclined, charming brute. He tends to hold a uplifting, positive attitude and a certain honesty which grants him respect. He's quite the dreamer, and often the enjoyer of nature. Snow has always been entranced by the beauty of the earth around him, enjoying rainy days and dark nights. His albino fur has often caused doubt and disrespect from others, though the brute remains confident and collected. He's not the type to start disputes, but will see them through if needed. Snowcub is a rather observant, thoughtful soul- tending to his packmates' needs whenever possible. He can often be seen as a hopeless romantic type, poetic and eloquent in speech. Snow seems to develop feelings quite rapidly- seeing the beauty in each individual. He can trust too easily, and be a little naive. Snowcub, however, is quite skilled when it comes to battle. His lithe frame allows for optimal agility and speed- no matter his lack of raw strength. Snowcub is horribly diligent in his rank, oftentimes neglecting his own needs in order to fulfill his responsibilities. Perhaps due to a yearning of respect from his pack, or to seem more powerful to the wolves around him. All in all, Snowcub is a respectful brute who can sometimes be a bit awkward in conversation, though he always means the best. Other: n/a