
Don't worry Matunda, I was waiting for someone to notice <3

Okay there we go, I can't believe I completely missed the opinion part of the form; maybe I was more tired than I thought after all.."
Anyways, Vesper's done, actually done this time.

I adore Vesper, he's accepted <3

May I reserve the Myrlean king?

Of course, it's good to have you in another rp <3 Do you want the Queen/Princess/Prince roles open or closed?

You can leave them open, don't want to prevent anyone from taking a role they want.

Alrighty, the king is reserved for you ^^

Name: Namid Meaning: "Star Dancer" Age: 18 Years Old Gender: Female Sexuality: Unlabeled Species: Solean Rank: Healer's Apprentice Desired Rank: Healer Thoughts On The Other Clans: Namid views the Myrleon as valuable allies, especially in a time of such hardship. Any numbers are good numbers, and if it comes down to war, she's more than happy to have another healer and more apprentices around to help each other. Sure, she thinks some of them were a little foolish to walk among the humans, but it was their own defense mechanism, looking like the humans to hide, just as her people hid among the reefs. She views the Kothes in something of a less favorable light. She thinks of them as strong and powerful, yes. She would give a Kothes the same amount of respect she would give an enraged orca, fearing teeth and claws that she knows could rip her to shreds with their training, but she always views them as uncaring, unempathetic. Forcing their hand may not have been wise, truly, but she thought their distant cousins may have had more sympathy for their situation. Appearance: [Credits to Crowesn on Picrew.me] Namid is something of a curious specimen, primarily pale shades of white or silver taking up practically all of her body. Her skin is a silver-grey colour, leaning between the colours depending on bodypart. Her eyes are a bright shade of silver, barely able to be differentiated from her white sclera, especially with her irses being large, almost taking up her whole eye. The girls hair, instead of being silver, is pure white and braided, reaching mid-back. In her hair, she weaves various strings she finds, adding beads, rings of metal, any rocks or shells that she can put a hole through to add to her hair. The young womans build is lean, not someone that exactly packs a punch, but she's quick and agile, seemingly able to twist and turn as her environment demands it. Her ears are long and pointed, with three studded piercings in either ear. She has three other piercings, a nose ring and two eyebrow piercings. Behind her grey lips hide pink gums and carnivorous teeth, just as is with all of her species. Namid's tail is almost iridescent in colour, being truly something of a silver hue, but seeming to shift and change the accent colours upon it depending on the light, practically like a pearl. Her fluke is large, built for quick bursts of speed, while her tail is only about 4ft long, being somewhere in the middle ground for her species. She doesn't have many fins in regards to numbers, but has a pair of fins that start at her hips and travel all the way down to the beginning of her fluke, seeming to almost conjoin with it. They are a light silver colour, almost semi-translucent with their paleness. They are somewhat soft to the touch, with smooth edges all along them. The scars adorning the young females body are relatively fresh, many gained from the first attack from the humans. Namid, against her instincts, swam back towards the attack to help members of their clan that were slower than others. Like elders, children, those that had already been wounded, and she had been hurt in the process. Few, if any, of her attempts at keeping her clanmates alive were successful. However, the markings the young female sports seems to lessen the blow of the pink, relatively fresh scars. They are a bright white, not silver or grey or anything else, pure white dots, varying slightly in size, and scattered all across her body. They make her look like she's covered in something like stars, twinkling all over her lean body. Personality: Calm || Tranquil || Collected || Intelligent || Slow to Anger || Brave || Warm || Friendly || Kind || Compassionate || Empathetic || Respectful || Little Bit of a Hoarder || Shy WIP Crush: She may have her eye on someone 👀 Spouse: None Children: Nope Kin: Open Affiliations: Open/TBA Other: I love the meaning of her name, so I had to make a pale girlie for it Edited at June 10, 2023 08:26 AM by Polly

Can I reserve a Myrleon princess and a Solean trainee?
