
Name: Avarice Killin Nickname(s) : Ari, Ava (by NOBODY unless he says you can) Age: 21 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/They Sexuality*: Undecided Appearance: WIP Likes: Books (can they read books in the ocean?), Biology, Dissecting things, pets, exploring, food, alone time, serenity, silence, fire (and burning things. He may be a siren, but he is obsessed with fire) Dislikes: Humans, mermaids, turtles of any kind, sleep, noise, crowds, work, effort Theme Song or Quote*: "Things are so much prettier when they burn." — Willow, Don't Starve Other: Major WIP. My computer is out of commission, so I'm on a tablet.

Rules have been updated. And for those who have been accepted, please chat in the discussion thread.
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Reserving a siren. I'm busy all day (Saturday today)I'll get my sheet up after work it's completed essentially already just got to edit it for this rp

Gotcha ^^ Ravensrun said: Reserving a siren. I'm busy all day (Saturday today)I'll get my sheet up after work it's completed essentially already just got to edit it for this rp
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hey salad, could i just....be a magic cat?

No. pizza the sandwing said: hey salad, could i just....be a magic cat?
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Name: “Captain” Marcos Prescott Age: 26 (turning 27 soon) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Poly Pansexual Species: Human Appearance: Standing at a good five foot seven, Marcos is easily recognizable from his ghostly, powerful— and albeit a tad bit short— silhouette. The outline of his honey skin is lined with blisters and sores, sunburns and scars, while his broad shoulders and thin waist is often hidden under his thick overcoat. When the sun hits his hands just right, anyone can see just how rough they are, scratched and torn from thick rope and long usage. Due to the work he often does (or maybe to hide that mark of the skull), his left hand, from his knuckles to palms and wrists, is often wrapped in thick but old bandages with frayed edges and slowly growing amounts of stains. His right arm, meanwhile, lacks any bandages and leaves enough room to show the Ophiuchus constellation tattoo. While Marcos is proud of and loves his numerous rings that each hold some significance to him, Marcos is not as proud of the scars under said rings. Or the scars on his chest. Or the scars on his back. Really, he is not proud of— shameful of, even— the scars he has and counts himself lucky he does not have any on his face. Marcos’s face has a heart shape to it, with a sharp jaw yet his soft green eyes as gentle as ever. His smile, though rare and seemingly shy, is often a crooked smirk that reveals his dimples and often his poor sense of humor whenever it appears at some bad pun or dork-ishly dumb joke. He has a button nose, thick brows, and bow-shaped lips. And his hair! How could anyone forget the thing most people admire about him? While he looks disheveled and like a constant worker as evident from the present bags under his eyes, his hair is always nice even without any care. His thick, black hair is chin length with bangs cut like curtains for his eyes. Though he pulls back most of his hair, making it so it is never in its full glory, he tends to sleep with it down. This has caused plenty of instances of bed head causing a plethora of teasing from his old crew. Marcos only has one piercing which is located in his right ear: a white skull earring that dangles by a thin chain. As for his clothes, he rarely ever changes. It has gotten to the point where some of Marcos’s closest friends could say exactly what he would wear on any given day. For one, he has on usually one to three necklaces, his tassel necklace being the one he never takes off. He tends to wear a dark green shirt with a low ‘v’ cut or maybe a white button up on days with colder weather. His shirt will always be tucked into his baggy brown pants with his gun holster on his right hip and red satchel on his left. Thick, black boots click against the wooden floor of the boat and warn of his presence. Lastly, he wears his black overcoat— which is only worn every other day as if in a poor attempt to diversify his clothing set— with the gold buttons and several pockets. Backstory: Marcos doesn’t talk much about his past but he is not quiet about his intentions. He wants to kill his father. Ever since his birth mother died, the true Captain Prescott neglected his duties of manning the ship, leaving the young boy to do his best to fill his father’s shoes. His father’s consort was even worse with her constant flogging and berating of him. It got to a point where he relied so much on one member of the crew that he never realized just how much he was falling for her and how much she was hurting him. Luckily his friends got him out of this relationship mess, but this led to the death of said member of the crew and further challenges with his drunkard father and new mother. This all came to a head when he woke up with a curse marking on his arm and his father attempting to murder him. Marcos nearly died trying to escape, woke up on the shore of a new island, and had to carry on his life. Finally able to hop onto a ship going in the direction he needed, even if it was mostly the curious or dumb for investigating sirens, Marcos did not care where it was going, but he wanted his crew— not his father’s crew but his where his friends and companions are— back and he did not care how he got them. He hides the curse mark under his bandaged arm, doesn’t say what the curse is if anyone somehow sees it, but is adamant that his father needs to die. Likes: Guanacos, Woodworking, Ship Maintenance, Navigation, Singing, Sword-swinging, and Making Sassy Comments Dislikes: Snakes, Sewing, Pistol Wielding, Drinking Liquor, Flirting (he is so easily embarrassed), and Looking at the Curse Mark Theme Song or Quote: Ship in a Bottle by fin or Bury Me Face Down by grandson

Accepted ^^ Determined_Wolf said: Name: “Captain” Marcos Prescott Age: 26 (turning 27 soon) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Poly Pansexual Species: Human Appearance: Standing at a good five foot seven, Marcos is easily recognizable from his ghostly, powerful— and albeit a tad bit short— silhouette. The outline of his honey skin is lined with blisters and sores, sunburns and scars, while his broad shoulders and thin waist is often hidden under his thick overcoat. When the sun hits his hands just right, anyone can see just how rough they are, scratched and torn from thick rope and long usage. Due to the work he often does (or maybe to hide that mark of the skull), his left hand, from his knuckles to palms and wrists, is often wrapped in thick but old bandages with frayed edges and slowly growing amounts of stains. His right arm, meanwhile, lacks any bandages and leaves enough room to show the Ophiuchus constellation tattoo. While Marcos is proud of and loves his numerous rings that each hold some significance to him, Marcos is not as proud of the scars under said rings. Or the scars on his chest. Or the scars on his back. Really, he is not proud of— shameful of, even— the scars he has and counts himself lucky he does not have any on his face. Marcos’s face has a heart shape to it, with a sharp jaw yet his soft green eyes as gentle as ever. His smile, though rare and seemingly shy, is often a crooked smirk that reveals his dimples and often his poor sense of humor whenever it appears at some bad pun or dork-ishly dumb joke. He has a button nose, thick brows, and bow-shaped lips. And his hair! How could anyone forget the thing most people admire about him? While he looks disheveled and like a constant worker as evident from the present bags under his eyes, his hair is always nice even without any care. His thick, black hair is chin length with bangs cut like curtains for his eyes. Though he pulls back most of his hair, making it so it is never in its full glory, he tends to sleep with it down. This has caused plenty of instances of bed head causing a plethora of teasing from his old crew. Marcos only has one piercing which is located in his right ear: a white skull earring that dangles by a thin chain. As for his clothes, he rarely ever changes. It has gotten to the point where some of Marcos’s closest friends could say exactly what he would wear on any given day. For one, he has on usually one to three necklaces, his tassel necklace being the one he never takes off. He tends to wear a dark green shirt with a low ‘v’ cut or maybe a white button up on days with colder weather. His shirt will always be tucked into his baggy brown pants with his gun holster on his right hip and red satchel on his left. Thick, black boots click against the wooden floor of the boat and warn of his presence. Lastly, he wears his black overcoat— which is only worn every other day as if in a poor attempt to diversify his clothing set— with the gold buttons and several pockets. Backstory: Marcos doesn’t talk much about his past but he is not quiet about his intentions. He wants to kill his father. Ever since his birth mother died, the true Captain Prescott neglected his duties of manning the ship, leaving the young boy to do his best to fill his father’s shoes. His father’s consort was even worse with her constant flogging and berating of him. It got to a point where he relied so much on one member of the crew that he never realized just how much he was falling for her and how much she was hurting him. Luckily his friends got him out of this relationship mess, but this led to the death of said member of the crew and further challenges with his drunkard father and new mother. This all came to a head when he woke up with a curse marking on his arm and his father attempting to murder him. Marcos nearly died trying to escape, woke up on the shore of a new island, and had to carry on his life. Finally able to hop onto a ship going in the direction he needed, even if it was mostly the curious or dumb for investigating sirens, Marcos did not care where it was going, but he wanted his crew— not his father’s crew but his where his friends and companions are— back and he did not care how he got them. He hides the curse mark under his bandaged arm, doesn’t say what the curse is if anyone somehow sees it, but is adamant that his father needs to die. Likes: Guanacos, Woodworking, Ship Maintenance, Navigation, Singing, Sword-swinging, and Making Sassy Comments Dislikes: Snakes, Sewing, Pistol Wielding, Drinking Liquor, Flirting (he is so easily embarrassed), and Looking at the Curse Mark Theme Song or Quote: Ship in a Bottle by fin or Bury Me Face Down by grandson
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Will get mine up later had a ton of shit to do yesterday