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Aceline E. Leroux
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"Can we please stop the fighting?!? I hadn't placed my bet."
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(credits to Leaving the house @ neka.cc)
Full Name:
Aceline E. Leroux
Shortened Name:
Aceline Leroux
Preferred Name:
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"Old or young, everyone can get their asses kicked. My hands are available to anyone, no matter their blasted age."
24 [Physically]
Unknown Age [Chronlogically]
Swears She's Straight; Closed Lesbian
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"Werewolves smell like sulfur. Vampires always have some odd fetish. Demons have parental issues. Angels are secret narcissists. I just offended half of the supernatural population, and I live for it."
Vampire Leader
Desired Role:
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"There's nothing wrong with fighting. . .what's wrong is when someone tries to stop it."

[credits to Hatiwow @ picrew.me]
Aceline is a woman of high status and is not afraid to show it. Her presence is dominating, and those with a weak will would often cower away from it. The way she carries herself makes her appear to be from royalty, yet lacked any queenship. She enjoys watching others squirm in her presence but does so in utter silence. Her unsettling eyes held a heavy glare to them, making it hard to keep eye contact with this woman. Aceline strides confidently with her head held high and stare-down at anyone she deems worthless. When she enters a room, she demands your attention; however, she won't upright say it. There's no reason for her to speak, as her mighty aura will draw curious glares.
Aceline is a tall woman, being 6'0 in height and weight 188lbs. She uses it to an advantage to tower over those shorter than her to lower their courage. Her stature and presence are rather unsettling to endure, but over time, you'll adapt to it the longer you remain in proximity. Well, until she's extremely frantic, and it becomes unbearable again. When she's mad, Aceline's entire persona will shift to a heavy, choking thickness that you need to take a break from. A type of ambiance that'll make you want to steer clear of her for the whole day, or worse, the entire week. It's unclear why it's strong, but it's a good thing, as it lets you know what mood she's currently in.
Her skin is a pale color, which is obvious, considering she's a vampire. The texture of her skin is smooth, able to glide your fingers effortlessly without feeling a single bump or scarring. Aceline keeps her skin clean and in immaculate condition. It's all thanks to her visiting spas daily whenever she's free from work. The only noticeable markings on her skin are many beauty marks that dotted her body randomly. The most prominent ones are under her left eye and her chin. Whenever she's out doing work, she will add light makeup to add life to her face and always wear a red shade of lipstick with it. Hey. It helps cover up the blood on her lips whenever she's done. Lastly, on the back of her right shoulder is a tattoo, well, a sigil of a heart with six wings and a halo melting.
Aceline's face is diamond-shaped, with exposed cheekbones and gaunt-healthy cheeks. Taking the appearance of a passionate and fearless woman, always unflinching (until she snaps). She could be a model, but she denies such an opportunity as she prefers free time. Think about this: no free time equals no vacations or multiple spa trips. Indeed, that would be absolute torture for this woman. Her ears are perfectly balanced and roundish in shape to them. They have small piercing holes somewhat covering the entirety of the ear due to her wearing earrings for business, parties, or casual outings. You'll never see Aceline without piercings. Her nose is straight, with the tip pointing downwards, and her nostrils narrower. To finish her off, her lips are bow-shaped, as mentioned before, and always have red lipstick covering them.

(credits to Siriri @ neka.cc)
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"Ugh, it smells like poor people in here. Oh, you're here. That explains the awful odor."
Dominating | Snobbish | Can Be Childish | Businesslike | Sarcastic | Impish | Sorta Flirtatious | Overprotective/Obsessive | Drama-Lover And Causer | Affectionate To Few | Cunning | Adaptable | Unorganized | Silver-Tongued | Mannerful | Two-Faced | Vengeful | Petty | Loyal To A Point | Skillful | Sociable | Party-Goer | Tasteful | Encouraging | Workaholic | Formal | Tempermental | Agonizing | Decitful | Rowdy
Money/Expensive Things/Fashion
Her Vehicle Collection
Weapon Collecting/Her Weapons
Starting Fights/Witnessing Drama
Insulting People In Another Language
Good-Tasting Wine
The Beach/Sailing The Ocean
The Color Red
Flowers/Nature/Potted Plants
Spas/Manicures/Pedicures/Hair Salons
Exercising/Keeping Up With Health
A Good Joke/Those With A Sense of Humor
Fancy Restaurants/Any Place That's Fancy
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"You're holding hands and not married? Gross. This whole place is full of sinners-I'm kidding. We've all done something a lot worse than that."
Relationship Status:
Distant vampiric relatives
Josephine | Ex-Girlfriend | Friendish
Open, PM Me
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"I'm good at many things. Murder, horseback riding, stabbing, jogging, hiding bodies, and baking treats. I'm a very versatile woman."
Love of Learning
Massage Expert
Hunting/Camping/Anything Involving Outdoors
Speaks Many Languages
Mechanic/Vehicle Repair
Riflewoman/Gun Expert/Distance Combat
Bladed Weapons/Sword Master/Close Combat
A Well-Trained Body
Can't Take Criticism
Risk Taker/Planning
Math Solving/Hates Math
Singing/Terrible Singer (Will Sing on Purpose)
Solving Things/Puzzles
Teaching/Mentoring Others
Cooking/Baking/Accidental Arsonist
Teamwork/Working With Others
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She has a French accent