Credits Under Images
Preferred Name:
Real Name:
5 Years
Desired Rank:

Credit to CastleGraphics@DA for Image
Aero – initially – was a heavy set wolf, being purely designed to both tank hits and dish his own harsh blows. He stands at a height of 34 inches, being on the cusp of above average. His weight, on the other paw, is strictly within the medium range for his kind – being around 143 pounds. Muscles are at the core of his build, causing him to appear quite bulky and, of course, strong. They, like those on most wolves, do coat the entirety of his body and are difficult to miss whilst he is moving. However, they are most prevalent around his chest, sides, and shoulders. Here, they can be seen both while moving and holding still. His legs, while not beefy do hold enough strength to support this large upper body. A heavy fur coat covers his entire form, only lightening up around his legs and tail. His cheeks are especially fluffy, making his neck and head appear to be rather large – even in the summer months.
This muscular male has a rather unique coat that is both simplistic and complicated at the same time. It is an odd mix of black and white, almost structured like the pattern of a cold winter’s night. The majority of his coat is a dark and pristine black. The fur of his ears, shoulders, back of neck, lower half of tail, front leg, and lower hind legs are the darkest version of this black – looking akin to the color of ink. His sides, face, underside of neck, and upper legs are all a lighter tone of black-leaning towards a sort of gray. White resides on the rest of his form and does tinker with sections of black as well. His lower muzzle, sides of neck, underbelly, and upper-back of his hind legs are the purest sections of this white. Some white peppering along his back and sides can be considered to be somewhat pure, but does seem to be overtaken by the black in some areas. The final stretches of white come in two line-like patterns. The first of these are a pair of white lines that run underneath the front-base of his ears, and partially down his cheeks – making his face appear lighter in color than it actually is. The other pattern is a thicker pair of white lines running up to his shoulders on either side of him. Both end before actually touching the top of his back. Deep brown eyes top this all off, a stark contrast from the grayscale form he takes. If not for their duller complexion, they could have been considered entrancing to many.
Despite his rank, this dark winter wolf doesn’t have all that many scars. A few are peppered here and there. Some are buried underneath the large amount of fur coating his body. But very few are visible to the naked eye. Among these is a scar running across his muzzle, cutting from the top of it to nearly the bottom of right lip. This scar was granted to him while he was assisting a hunting group in his early years of life. He is a bit ashamed of it, but it at least makes for a good story for the kiddos. A second above-fur scar runs between his shoulder blades, seemingly tracing his spine downwards. It is one that he would rather forget about, but its presence did more than just mark his hide. It’s a remembrance of his fear – gained from falling from a large height not long after he became an apprentice. He doesn’t like to talk about it.
Aero’s voice is an oddly soothing sound, fatherly and tender while still strict and stern in its own right. It seemingly has the capability to both scold and uplift someone at the same time. Its tone is usually on the cheerful side of things – not bursting with energy, but certainly upbeat. A constant sly undertone can also be heard, leading to others having a decent amount of difficulty telling when he’s about to pull something or not. The pitch of this voice is within the medium range, being exactly what most would call tenor. No noticeable accent is present.

Credit to CastleGraphics@DA for Image
Confident || Flirtatious || Mischievous || Teasing || Sly || Playful || Loyal || Protective || Loving || Comedian || Impatient With Certain Things || Wavering Attention Span || Slightly Disobedient || Dependable || “Father Of The Year” || Patient With Pups || Temperamental (Afterwards)
“What am I doing? Oh, you know,” he wraps his nearest leg around your shoulder and pulls up in, resting his head against yours, “stuff. Really important stuff. Yeah, oh yeah. Real important stuff.”
Confident is one of the best descriptors to attach to this wolf’s hide. He is undoubtedly one of the more self assured wolves within the pack, having full faith in his abilities to complete near-any task. Hesitation and uncertainty are rare and typically fleeting emotions for him, never sticking around for longer than an hour with very few exceptions. And those exceptions are usually well founded. This confidence of his has – oddly enough – led to him being quite a flirtatious being. Strictly because he does not fear any sort of rejection or outstanding negative reaction. He holds a large amount of trust in this particular set of skills, and believes them refined enough to not lead him astray or make anyone too uncomfortable. Rather, he trusts them to make others laugh – a sound he adores hearing, especially when the perpetrators are his family. However, it should be noted that his flirtatious statements are saved specifically for his beloved and no one else. Both out of common courtesy and adoration of the light-pelted female. He generally attempts to drag her into a line of them as well (hoping that she’d join in on the fun) just to get a reaction out of those around them. Though, he will not take kindly to looks of disgust unless they are the teasing ones coming from his offspring.
Like the rest of his little familial group, Aero is very much a mischievous soul – constantly up to no go simply for the sake of his and his loved ones’ own amusement. Although not as consistent as the other two, he can be rather bothersome when in the mood for causing trouble. He is never malicious towards anyone while doing so – unless they have wronged his family. He could care less if they wronged him personally – and he typically uses such measures to actually mend strained relationships. Or, at least make an attempt to. It was most likely a prank that got him into that strained position in the first place, so a “make-up” prank is not the brightest idea but it has been shown to work. It is not uncommon to find this male purposefully getting himself in trouble with the higher ups just to hear the laughs of Sadie and Shia. Particularly whenever they chase after him. He usually annoys them to the point in which they chase after him, a circumstance in which he will utilize his superior agility to dodge their attempts to grab him and do funky moves that are sure to cause laughter. Short quips are also utilized to ensure that the one after him stays focused on catching him. To spur on the initial annoyance (which he will turn into a game of “tag”), he typically enacts a lot of teasing and some “disobedience” – either pestering the easy-to-annoy ones or doing something that he really shouldn’t be. His remarks always seem to hold a sort of slyness to them when doing so, as though he were hinting towards his deceitful temptations before committing them. A small opportunity for his desired target to escape before anything happens. Sylvie is generally his go to for this, but he will step on the tails of the alpha and betas if given the chance.He, of course, is rather playful during this time – egging the one after him on and eventually bringing others into the whole thing. Over time, he will try to diffuse the situation by making the whole thing like one big game, but that doesn’t always work with the more hotheaded of wolves.
As any good father would be, the sentinel is impeccably loyal to and protective of his family. Betrayal is not a word within his vocabulary – having been burned to ash and then thrown into the deepest of lakes the minute he knew of its existence. Nothing can shake the care he holds for those around him, unless the most convincing of evidence were to arrive. But even then, it will take a lot of convincing to make him turn away from that wolf. Promiscuity has also been ripped from his mind, with the very idea sending a mass of shivers down his spine. Never will he turn his back on those he holds dear – especially not his mate. Those held by the wings of his heart have nothing to fear, for he will always be there to protect them from their wildest fears and foes. Defending others with his own life is done without question, no matter who they are and what they’ve done (for the most part). Even those who have clawed him in the back are not exempt from this. Though, that does not include those that use his family to do so. To him, they are the scum of the earth and he’d rather claw out his own eyes than save them – simply to watch them rot. However, he, unlike some others, will continue to treat them with a good chunk of respect – though, any amount of possible trust is forever gone. This treatment may make him gag at times, but he’d much rather let things stew than cause any sort of conflict between back members. At least, any more than there already is. Such actions, including the way he oh-so gently treats his offspring, have granted him the title of “loving” by the majority of his pack. A soft hearted canine strictly out to protect his family through any means necessary. A worthy lifestyle if he does say so himself.
If it wasn’t made particularly clear by his previously listed aspects, this tallish male considers himself to be somewhat of a comedian. A pack-clown if you will. He all but lives for laughter, as though he granted him more sustenance than actual food. He will do a lot to be granted the honor of hearing such a sound – jokes, pranks, getting into trouble, and much more. There truly is not one particular method that he deems more entertaining or useful over the others, and simply switches them up depending on who he interacts with. Though his choices are not always the wisest when it comes to this, saving pranks strictly for the more hotheaded, impatient, or serious wolves of the pack. But he does have the courtesy to only grant jokes to the emotional, stressed, shy, or hurt members of the pack. He does not wish to be the one to push them too far with just the thought of doing so causing aches within his heart. His jokes towards this specific group are gentle in nature and work to mend at least some amount out the pain, but he will let up if receiving negative or no reactions.
On the off chance of a bad day or simply one in which he feels the need to be mischievous, this male can become pretty impatient with most things. Not to the extent of getting annoyed with another, but enough to make him constantly lose focus on what he is doing and shift to a whole other topic or idea. Outside of bad days, his patience usually wears thin while waiting to be assigned a task or waiting on another to start one. He prefers to constantly be doing things to keep his mind from wandering to some unsavory topics or boredom. And from boredom sprouts his disobedience. Though, that is not the only factor in it. Once more, it should be noted that this is rarely (if ever) done out of malice. Rather, it is simply a method used to entertain himself and others. This most often takes the form of just not being in the area he was designated to watch over, or being nowhere to be found when daily tasks are divided amongst the pack. (“I like my morning walks. What can I say?”) Although annoying, it can make for some funny chase-and-run interactions between him and the more serious members of the pack. But, despite his occasional streak of disobedience, the soon-to-be-winged sentinel is actually surprisingly dependable. He is always ready to aid his pack and always shows up when it is needed of him – especially during the most dire of situations. The most important of tasks granted to him gain his utmost attention, and are consistently put before his own needs (but not his family). Even when assigned the more “boring” tasks, he has proven himself to be incredibly reliable when he needs to take things seriously. Otherwise, do not expect too much from him.
While he is new to the whole “father” role, Aero has proven to be an amazing parent for his beloved pups. He is protective, kind, playful, loving, and yet stern all the same. He enjoys hearing the laughter of his offspring as well as that of other pups, including those not of his descent. Although rather troublesome for his pack at times, he still tries his best to set the best example he can for his pups – ensuring that they learn from both his rights and wrongs, and improve upon the wolf he already is. He has attempted to slightly lessen his mischievousness after having his first litter… but he wouldn’t be Aero without being a troublemaker, so he hasn’t changed that much truthfully. Though he does discourage his little ones from partaking in or pulling the pranks he enact… but he still encourages harmless pranks and jokes for his pups, as well as drags him into some of his own! Can’t have their lives be entirely too bland now can he? He will also gladly be the victim of any pranks the pups wish to pull, having the patience to deal with practically whatever they may pull. However, as one would expect, he draws the line at getting another hurt.
The only addition to his personality after the Flash, but a dangerous and almost explosive one at that – this poor endearing soul has become quite temperamental after shifting into his new form. This once calm and outgoing wolf now becomes one who is easy to rile up and upset. Well, for those outside of loved ones, but even they are not completely taken out of the “annoyance” equation. This change has led to him being very risky to be around thanks to the chains wrapped around his body, specifically in the early days following the Flash. He will eventually tame this wild side, but not without some “collateral damage” having been dealt. No one knows the exact cause behind this change, with there being a multitude of speculations about it. The main three being: it is a byproduct of the Flash, it is a severe reaction to his transformation (which, by this theory, he would be incredibly upset about, or it is those cursed chains causing this change of mindset.
+ Physical Strength
+ Good With Pups
+ Agility
+ Dense Underbrush
+ Durability
+ Thick Fur
+ Physical Strength
+ Good With Pups
+ Agility
+ Eyesight
+ Flight
+ Thick Fur
- Impatient
- Slightly Disobedient
- Short Attention Span (For The “Boring” Things)
- Acrophobia (Fear Of Heights)
- Open Areas
- Speed
- Impatient
- Slightly Disobedient
- Short Attention Span (For The “Boring” Things)
- Acrophobia (Fear Of Heights)
- Durability
- Running Speed
Increased Ability:
Strength – a great asset for what could essentially be considered a guard. Although Aero had always been known for his strength, none could have predicted that it would increase to such a degree. His bite force is now equivalent to that of a black bear. His general physical prowess, however, is nowhere near that of a bear’s. But he still has the strength to easily topple some of the lighter prey items as well as easily pin down most wolves. Other than this, there is not much to remark on.
For one as strong as he, it is quite surprising to discover that this sentinel’s other enhanced trait is agility of all things. One would expect something along the lines of stamina of enhanced senses, but no. He was granted the ability to dodge attacks and travers difficult landscapes with ease. No one is sure why this is the case, but it will be revealed in due time.
Power(s) that will be gained:
Aerokinesis – otherwise known as the ability to control air – has become a pinnacle aspect of Aero’s life after the Flash, and proves to be one of the more difficult hurdles for him to cross. Not only is it completely unpredictable at first, but it hinges a lot of its power off of his emotions. Meaning that, if a strong negative one is felt, a powerful blast of wind is likely to ensue. But, when calm or in a “positive” mood, this ability is rather… lacking at first. He is only able to produce a small gust of wind during this time, barely strong enough to rustle the leaves of the canopy above. Thankfully, over some stretch of time, he will eventually gain enough control to only create blasts when desired as well as make them as strong or weak as he wishes. The creation of updrafts will be his go-to choice of usage, as will the manipulation of air currents (which is one of this ability’s strongest utilities). Combined, these two will aid in his endeavor to master the art of flight – keeping him in one place or allowing him to avoid obstacles when coming closer to the ground. When completely conquered, this ability will be strong enough to send a full grown moose flying backwards.
Binding Fury
An incredibly niche ability of his, formed strictly from the chains wrapped around his body – Binding Fury is a power that this dark coated male is surprisingly fond of. By utilizing his aerokinesis, Aero can manipulate these chains to entangle around whoever or whatever he desires with impeccable precision. However, they do not necessarily require the usage of air to conduct this action and seem to almost have a mind of their own at times – snagging anything they so please with or without his knowledge. His chains, mystical as they are, have also developed the capacity (or simply came with the capacity) to bind themselves together in such a way that makes it seem as though they are not separate entities. Instead, they appear to be simply parts of a whole. In the later days of his transformation, they manage to increase in length on their own accord, even if all parts are connected – increasing their range to a significant degree. This power of theirs does and will always have a limited range of around fifteen feet maximum when fully fledged, but is around five at the start. The power of his ability becomes increasingly dangerous in the early days of his transformation, seeing as these chains appear to lash out whenever he becomes enraged – hence its name – or whenever he believes himself or his family to be in danger. And, due to a lack of initial control, a helping hand can become something a bit more deadly. In order to master this ability, he must first quell the anger which developed after the Flash.
♡ His Beloved
♡ His Little Princess & Prince
♡ Guarding The Camp
♡ Morning Run
♡ Chasing Off Intruders
♡ His Beloved
♡ His Little Princess
♡ Guarding Camp
♡ Morning Flights (After Getting Past Fear)
♡ Chasing Off Intruders
- Dangers To His Family
- Those Who Dislike Sadie
- Traveling With Hunters
- Young, Cocky Males
- Heights
- Dangers To His Family
- Those Who Dislike Sadie
- Traveling With Hunters
- Young, Cocky Males
- Being Grounded (Literally)
To be developed in RP
Why have a crush when you have a mate?... Though his crush is still his mate.
Sadie – Daughter
Appearance After Power Gain:

Credits to Shinzessu@DA for Lineart
Credit to Pack King (#70394) for Design
Following this Flash, a lot has changed with Aero’s overall build – both in general structure and overall appearance. His once generous height of 34 inches has jumped up to a rather staggering 40 inches, excluding the new extremities he possesses. His weight, however, only increased by four pounds (now being 147 rather than 143). An odd difference in values seeing as one would assume his weight would increase to a much larger value. But the reason behind this will be explored later on. His previously slightly fur-lacking tail is now immensely long and fluffy. It drags across the ground as he walks, occasionally picking up sticks and leaves along the way. It can be a chore to clean alone and often gets caught on bramble and branches in the earlier days of his transformation. His ears have grown much in length, looking much like those of a bat and less like a wolves’. Their ends are sharply pointed, but are still as flexible as any other mammalian ear. If not for his species, it’d easily be described as those of an elf. On the inner part of his hind paws now resides two raptor-like talons. They are large and sharply curved – dang to any unwise enough to attempt and attack from behind. Though, it is unlikely that they would be able to pick anything up. His fur has remained mostly the same in terms of texture and length, with only his cheeks and front knees having gained some more fluff. The wildest part of his transformation has to be the arrival of two large wings protruding from his back. They are coated start-to-finish in bird-like feathers, with the largest being oddly trapezoidal or rectangular in shape at their tip. At the wings’ joints, two “finger claws” jut out – akin to those of dragons and wyverns. Their purpose is not yet known to the male, but he will eventually figure out a multitude of ways to utilize them. Upon their initial appearance, their positioning will be… rather awkward at first – with him constantly shuffling them about to find a comfortable position for the appendages to rest. It is not uncommon to find them at two different angles, either. However, later on, they will either be held above him or at his sides.
For the most part, not much has changed when it comes to the sentinel’s coat. It still retains its mostly black coloration, but is a lot more uniform than before and has less division. Rather than having light grays and whites sprinkled here and there across his pelt, he now has consistent patterns across his body. The “base” black is now slightly lighter than what he originally possessed – having an obvious gray tone to it. In a way, it appears like the black of a night sky where a full moon is present rather than the new-moon-night black from before. However, that pure inky black does still remain, having seemingly faded out to the outer edges of his body. It now paints the toes of his front paws, back of his neck and hind legs (right along the spine), “eyebrows,” and the underside of his neck. His tail also appears to faintly fade into this black from the new-moon one. Thick swirls of a barely-distinguishable blue-black – almost structured like the pattern of drawn-out air currents – run down the top of his tail. They can only be noticed within the brightest of sunshine and can almost be described as splotches or patches of this color if not for being connected. Along his hind legs and lower body runs a mass of lighter gray swirls, once more akin to the “shape” or air currents and breezes. They are difficult to miss due to the contrast they have with his “base” coloration, and are not symmetrical (when comparing the two sides that is). Such a case can be seen in the lower portion of his right hind leg which has four gray lines running down towards the paw – something that cannot be observed on the other side where it is just solid black. More of this shade of gray can be found along his shoulders, on the tufts of fur on his front elbows, underneath his wing-body connection, and behind his cheek, right on his neck. Speaking of his wings, they still maintain that full-moon gray towards their main bone mass, but do fade into the new-night black seen elsewhere on his body. Some of the lighter gray has also made its way onto this part of his body, running along the top edges of them. Some stripes – similar to those seen on his right hind leg – can be found on the top of the “sharpened” tips of his primary feathers. Coming to his face, one will find that something new has been added to the mix. The usual mix of grays and blacks are, naturally, present – especially along the insides of his ears where it swiftly fades from the full-moon black into the lighter gray at its base. Not much patterning can be seen here with being mostly standard in color. However, a thin line of gold can be viewed running up the outer edges of his ears. It makes for an oddly stunning change of pace in color for such a gray-scale wolf and will likely be the most eye-catching part about him (color wise, of course). His once brown eyes have become a dark gray-near black color, blending in near perfectly with his coat.
Although the male possessed very few scars (let alone noticeable ones), it is clear to all that look upon him that all the previous injuries have been wiped from his body. Not a single scar remains, not even the one that caused him so much turmoil in the past. He is nothing less but a clean slate. However, he is not completely void of any “additives” to his form. Rather, these additions take the form of accessories rather than injuries and old scars. The most prominent of these are golden chains. These chains are a rather intriguing element to this otherwise simply wolf – holding a sort of mystery that no other aspect of him does. They seem to wrap around him across various portions of his body a varying amount of times. On his neck, they wrap loosely around him three times. Those wounds around his upper body do the same, but are a bit more snug than those on his neck. A smaller section of chain wraps twice around his upper right leg, almost as though it were a bracelet of sorts. The final sections of chain are not exactly wrapped around him, but appear to simply drape over his wings. Though, a small portion does wind around the tip of the outermost primary feather on his right wing. Despite looking to be their own “entity,” these mysterious golden chains may as well be a part of Aero. They physically cannot be completely removed from his body, though they can be shuffled and adjusted. What makes them even stranger is their ability to almost grow from nothing – increasing in length and wrapping themselves around anyone the wolf desires to pin down. An odd and soft red glow emanates from these odd metallic structures, brightening and “sharpening” only when these chains are in use. Another interesting (albeit, mostly useless) aspect about this wolf is his teeth. While they have not changed in overall shape, there is a noteworthy shift in appearance. Though still mostly white and natural, the sentinel’s top right fang as well as the tip of the tooth behind it now hold a golden coloration – almost as though the original white teeth were simply replaced. No one is quite sure why this is and it seems to hold no purpose besides those of interesting “looks.”
In terms of his voice, not much has changed for Aero. His voice has persisted through the flash as its usual self, having no change whatsoever. His calls, on the other hand, carry the odd backdrop of various bird calls mixed in with the usual wolf ones. The cry of a hawk now resides within his howl. Growls have a sort of hiss to them, like that of an angry bird of prey. Raven-like sounds occur when he is particularly in a good mood, but the ability to mimic is not present. All other noises (excluding his voice, of course) have this sort of bird-theme to them, containing one bird call or noise or another. His favorite, of course, are his more raven-like happy can – simply because he finds it amusing.
- Aero absolutely encourages Shiva’s behavior. As well as his daughter’s. He may even join in, every once in a while.
- Only those close to the male know of his true name. Though, he does still request that they stick to “Aero” and not the other one.
- Once he gets a hang of flying, he will absolutely take his daughter for rides just to hear her giggles. Don’t worry, though! He won’t drop her… much.
I’ve never actually eaten a plum before. Though, I do find their color rather pretty. Maybe I should make a plum colored character in the future... XD
Besides that, I’ve been really likely mixes of red, black, and orange lateley.