
Granted, but the code on their post gets all messed up so you can't read it.
I wish for a lifetime's supply of spaghetti.

Granted but everyone in the world has turned into spaghetti and you cant eat it without eating them.
I wish for more books

Granted, but all the books are stained and wet and in an alien language
I wish for my writing to become popular for how good it is, and nobody steals it!

Granted, but it only last for a day
I wish for a castle

Granted but your stuck inside the castle, never aloud to leave again
I wish for someone to spend a happily ever after lifetime with

Granted, but they become obsessed with you and never let you leave their sight.
I wish for a private jet.

Granted, but the jet doesn't have any wings
I wish for my own trained horse.

Granted but it died a while ago and all you have is its skeleton.
I wish to be able to take all the worlds sadness away and place it upon myself

Granted, but then, through your overwhelming and eternal sadness, you turn on the world and because the most destructive super villain to ever walk the earth, effectively re-causing the sadness you took away.
I wish for one of those funky sequin pillows.

Granted, but all sequins fall off and now its all around your house. I wish for all unhealthy food to dissapear out of my sight for about a year or so