
Oh my gosh, I love the softer color palatte on that! The warm but not abrasive oranges and pinkish tints to the beige-white neck is amazing, and the whole thing makes me think of "sunset". The soft, painted look to the blending of colors just brings the piece together, and the dragon (I think?) is so cool in design! I cannot see anything other than maybe some (at least) light shading under the back scales and under the jaw/neck place where the head is over the throat. ~~ Note: far left corner has tail in the 'distance' (due to previous confusion over that)  Edited at June 26, 2023 11:45 PM by the Wayne pack

Okay, my honest opinion. I feel like it's a little.. bland? Using more than one kind/size of brush can help spice it up a little bit; also, if you're going for a more cloud-type vibe, I suggest using a solid brush and making wavy 'squiggle' lines and connecting them in a sort of elongated ellipse shape. :) Its still really good though<33 If Im looking at it properly, I like the cloud-like look to it! ... ... Here, have fun. Edited at June 27, 2023 10:23 AM by Interstellar Sun

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Please remember to give both a compliment and an improvement in your post, that's how the whole game is supposed to work. Thank you!
Please ignore this post and continue with the artwork above <3
Edited at June 27, 2023 03:51 AM by Eternity

Interstellar Sun- That looks really good. Did you do that without any base shapes? The fur looks very realistic. One thing you could work on is the proportions. The nose looked a bit to big and the eyes seem to small and close together. ---- This is mine. It is a creature that is a mix between a jellyfish and a cat.(closed species) Edited at October 28, 2023 10:18 AM by Dawnforest

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The idea is unique and really well executed, I love the posing and overall colour palette. You've clearly got a really strong sense of colour theory! :0 One thing I'd improve is the consistency with the lineart colour. Some parts are pure black, others are dark blue. I'd give experimenting with lineart colour a go and maybe using layer modes such as multiply if your art program has them! Maybe try a dark blueish purple and see how that looks? :0 --  [c]157083

I LOVE the vibrance of this piece. The character reminds me of a pineapple and I'm here for it! The texture is so tactile and pleasing to look at. The only thing to possibly improve, is the angle of the arm appears a tad bit stuff to me. Possibly moving the elbow a bit to the right would look more organic, but it could even just be my perspective vs yours and overall is a very minor detail! This is an art fight attack I'm working on, it's not finished I'm workin on the silhouette and lines 😁 All credit for this goes to me 164092 Edited at July 3, 2023 01:29 PM by Warrior

I just finished this art fight attack so might as well add the final 😁 Credits go to me 164092 This is a lower resolution version to avoid theft 😊

Wow! It's so mystical and beautiful :0 The paws are perfect and the fur is well placed! Simply beautiful indeed! I honestly don't see anything that needs to be change, it is the definition of perfect!  here's mine :) credits to me

Ooo the colors and soft glowing lights are so nice! It's a very pleasing work, gives me 4th of July vibes honestly. The fur outlines are very nice too, those can be quite hard at times. I personally would elongate the muzzle a touch, and shorten the ear slightly as well, something about the proportions there just look a little odd (even if I like how it somehow fits). ~~ Credits to me (sorry for the poor quality)  Edited at July 7, 2023 01:19 AM by the Wayne pack

That is a fantastic start to a wonderful piece! The pose is extremely dynamic, the wings are splayed out and nice! I think the only thing I would say is maybe just darken the lines a bit and play a little with editing the exposure/brilliance of the picture!  (C)85543
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