『 Kristopher Vermillion 』
This male's hair is a feature he takes pride in. His hair is a thick head of curls, though they appear to be rather loose compared to tight spiral curls. While Kris does have a lot of hair, its length only reaches the back of his neck, ending right above his eyebrows in front of his face. It also covers the tops of his ears. The top is slightly longer than the bottom, allowing him to pull the tops of his hair into a small, spikey, ponytail, it is too short for much else. You would need good lighting to discover his hair is not black, instead, it is a very dark brown. An attractive feature of this young man. His hairline is not visible unless pulled back, and then you can see he has a slight widow's peak.
Kris stands at the taller height of 6"4'. Particularly tall, in fact, he is the tallest in his family and exactly 3 inches above his older brother. His shoulders are broad and his build is leaner. Part of his life growing up consisted of swordsmanship training, and other activities, so this rider is left with a lithe figure. When he was younger he aspired to be a guard for the royal family, and in his free time, he would train for the position, though he never ended up pursuing it. He is left with the skill and has tried to keep up with it over the years. He is agile and graceful. Deadly and poised. His former training has lasted him quite some time. His skin tone can be referred to as "almond", and has warmer undertones. Kris tans rather nicely and as a result his skin darkens the more he is exposed to the sun, ending in a dark tan by the end of summer.
This male doesn't have many noticeable birthmarks besides one rather large one he keeps hidden. It's not as noticeable as most, but it is as large as his hand and is right over his ribs, on the right side of his body. It is a lighter coloration of skin compared to the rest of him, that does not really tan, it stays more of a lighter white color though it is flat. If you were blindfolded and ran a hand over it you would be unable to detect it. It is less noticeable due to its coloration being neutral and similar to his skin, but he is rather self-conscious about it. Other marks he has included a few tiny moles scattered across his arms and face. A feature most only notices when close up with this male, are his hazel eyes. The iris surrounding his pupil is an amber-like brown, a rather light color with small golden flecks dotting the area. The remaining half of his eye, is a paler green, growing darker as it reaches the end of his iris, which has a dark ring surrounding its outer edge. His orbs are framed by long, dark lashes.
Kristopher's facial features appear more feminine, with soft slightly angled brows sitting above his orbital rim, more comparable to that of women, without being completely feminine. His nose is narrow and shorter than that of your average man, though it is rather straight-looking. Now his cheekbones are also more prominent, though not in a way that gives his face a tight look, or one that makes him seem as if the sides of his face are "dented" or overly hollow. Just more defined than your average person. This male's jawline is defined, but not unnaturally sharp, while his lips are full with a soft cupid's bow. They appear to be a faint pinkish-red color.
This male's scent can vary depending on the occasion, he can sometimes take on a more earthy scent, his kingdom is known for spices and the palace he lives in grows a good deal of herbs. He can take on more exotic scents as well, due to some of the traveling around the city he does. Coming in contact with new spices, foods, and more, their scents lingering on him. Ultimately, he does not have a distinctive scent. Even if you cannot recognize his smell, you will be able to recognize his voice. Kris's voice is rather smooth and deep sounding. At a glance, his walk is also rather smooth. He moves at a faster pace while his head is held high as if he always has somewhere important to be.
Kristopher is a social being, enjoying the company of friends and acquaintances, though can be more reserved towards new faces. With convincing, a new person may be able to open him up more, but not enough to make him delusional or leave secrets unguarded. He tries to keep his private life, and his family guarded, he doesn't like to talk much about it, and is not keen on skilling the secrets of his kingdom. He won't be quick to completely open up to someone until he is confident he can trust them. His personality tends to attract all types of people, he is naturally a more flirty person, he is somewhat aware of it and will occasionally put it to his advantage. Subtle comments or expressions, body position, and change in focus all contribute to this. He keeps his “friends close, and his enemies closer”. In any event, those he doesn't particularly like, but needs to get along with, he can whip out his charm, making him seem as if he is totally and completely interested in them. Though this can quickly turn if he starts to get annoyed, which will clearly be seen in his expression or tone of voice. He won't get physical over a disagreement.
This male is an observant creature, picking up on verbal cues such as a change in voice, or physical cues such as a shift in stance or motion of the hand. He tries to be careful about the situations he puts himself in, however, his confidence may blindside him at times. Make a bet? If Kris is confident he will double the stakes. Offer a duel? Let him grab his sword and he'll be there. Besides this, Kristopher is rather intelligent, he enjoys studying maps and strategizing, and the endless possibilities of a battle fascinate him. He is quick to learn, tending to pick up on new techniques or skills particularly well. He becomes quite excited, taking rather faster and his deep voice becoming a pitch higher if he is extremely passionate about a subject. Kristopher often uses his hands to talk as well, it helps him express how he is thinking.
This Prince gives off a regal air, particularly during events in which he interacts with people from all over. His posture is rather good, holding himself high and up to his full height, his actions swift and sure. He tends to be bolder when masked, making moves he normally wouldn't if others knew who he was, such as more risky moves during battle. This also boosts his bravery, allowing him to loosen up and make his motions more fluid, allowing him a more accurate strike at his target. If not out at a gathering or with friends you can find Kristopher in one of two places. He also enjoys horseback riding, though he does have his own horse, named Altivo, though the stallion was left in his homeland. The second place you can find him is with friends, wherever the location may be. He enjoys exploring new lands and areas around his homeland.
With friends, you can find Kris to be a rather outgoing person. He also tends to have more of a sarcastic side and does like a good joke. Roughhousing is a fun pastime of his, which includes putting his friends in friendly headlocks. His laugh is more high-pitched and just funny to hear. This male is a trustworthy character, he is not one for gossip and will have your back if you have his. He can be stubborn at times, if he is passionate about a subject or convinced he is right there is hardly a soul that could sway him. Kristopher is also quite protective of those he cares about, including family and friends. He will do all he can to keep them safe.
Kristopher has good swordsmanship, the motions come fluid and natural, and he has been a good portion of his life. This is partially for defending himself and partially because the skill greatly interested him. He does enjoy horseback riding and has a bit of a talent for it. Kris is also quite strong, relying on brute strength to get through some of the daily activities he enjoys.
Kris is a confident man, which may lead to his downfall in the end. He may take on challenges too large for him to face, putting him in dangerous situations. While he is good with a sword, he tends to struggle more with any hand-to-hand combat, he can hold his own, but not very well.
Traveling/Exploring - He loves to walk throughout his home city and purposefully looks for places he has never seen or visited.
Good food - He loves trying new varieties of food and discovering new dishes. Kristopher will refuse to eat anything bland and is not a picky eater by any means.
Dancing & Music - Something his kingdom is known for, he does have some good moves on the dance floor.
Good craftsmanship - He particularly likes working with wood, carving handles for daggers, and such. Though he prefers metals and stronger materials for swords that he would use in combat. He wants a job done right, and hates to see a job rushed.
Horses - Particularly horseback riding, a skill he is working to perfect. Hunting expeditions and free-riding would be done on his horse. A stallion he named Altivo, though the horse is not with him, it is back home.
Pointless conversation - If you are going to take up his time talking about how the grass looks especially green today or how you just noticed that the woodchips surrounding the plants are a shade off their normal color, or some bullshit, he doesn't want to hear it. He likes meaningful conversations
Tight spaces - The man likes his room. He is claustrophobic.
Obnoxious behavior - He will not tolerate any towards himself or his friends. He finds it rather annoying.
Children: n/a