
SCENE SETTING | Mentions: Patrol The scuffling of Aspen's paws on the leaves made the fox's head snap up sharply, though the rabbits were unable to see it through the pines. What Blizzard and Hop would notice, though, was the crackle of its paws against the fallen corpses of last year's leaves. It was downwind of the rabbits - as such, it had not caught their scent. The noise of their passing, however, was drawing the fox curiously forward, its gait a casual lope.

Blizzard l Male l Denizen l M: Patrol . Blizzard waited til the group went by before him. After they passed he fell in behind them. His ears turned back. He could hear the fox getting closer. His muscles tightened. He was the closest, if they didnt find shelter in time, he would be the distraction. He had outpaced a fox before, but only nearly. By the sound of it. This dox was leaner, and the problem, he was hungry. But deep down, he knew this was the chance to prove himself.
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Hop & Bog / Patrollers / Mentions: Patrol
Hop's hazel eyes met Bog's cool brown ones for a heartbeat. Bog's ears stiffened and his fur fell flat in horror, reading his brother's plan before the smaller male even started to move.
Hop spun on his heels and dashed off in the opposite direction, blundering loudly through the pine forest and putting himself downwind of the fox. He was likely the fastest, other than Aspen, and the patrol leader was far more important to the warren, if the fox turned out to be faster than even a frightened rabbit.
Bog resisted the strong urge to stamp his feet, ears swiveling to keep track of his littermate by sound. Hop was giving them a chance to get into a more advantageous area while they could, and he could surely avoid a fox for a few precious minutes, even in the horribly clear pines.

Aspen/ patrol leader, Rival/ M: Patrol Aspen's fur stood on end as she heard the fox. When Hop ran off she was stunned then realized was he was planning. " run" she whispered " once it's safe regroup near the warren" Hop would know that they would do that once the fox was gone. if he is still then. ( I'm not going to be able to post as much for a few weeks, I'll still check up on wolf play occasionally but feel free to control Aspen a little bit when needed, but if something important to the Role play happens I want to control Aspen's reaction.) Edited at April 12, 2023 09:03 PM by Dawnforest

SCENE SETTING | Mentions: Patrol The fox was no fool, and after uncounted seasons was well versed in the sounds of the wild. The crackling of twigs and the flash of Hop's pale fur caught the predator's eyes. With a sharp inhale, the fox lunged after the rabbit, bounding through the undergrowth away from the rest of the patrol.

Hop / Patroller / Mentions: patrol, fox
Hop tore through the undergrowth, paws slipping slightly and sending a shower of pine needles in every direction. He weaved around and in every rare clump of bushes or thick portion of pines, knowing his agility was better than any fox. If he could lose it, do some loops to confuse it's nose, and maybe a quick roll in a patch of something strong smelling, then- then he would be fine, and could rejoin the others who were no doubt headed for the warren.
The little buck's legs churned underneath him, the ground a blur, his ears picked back against whipping undergrowth. He felt the fox's thunderous footsteps in his ribs, the rasping breath of the beast barely audible over his racing heart.

Blizzard l Male l Denizen l M: Hop . Blizzard could only watch as Hop zoomed through the undergrowth. Pine needles flew out behind him. But the fox was gaining. Blizzard couldnt just stand there and watch Hop get eaten. Blizzard took off after them. He could see the fox in front of him. He knew the fox would rather have something bigger. Blizzard cut in front of the fox, making sure it could see them. He could see Hop running in front of him. "Go back to the others!" He yelled, then veered off to the left, the fox's breath hot on his hunches.
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SCENE SETTING | Mentions: Patrol A larger meal seemed eager to present itself to the fox. Turning quickly, it spun after Blizzard. Its jaws gleamed in the forest dimness, bounding after him with the ease of a predator. Its teeth snapped, tearing a chunk of fur from the rabbit's tail. Yet, as the sounds faded, Hop would still feel that he was being watched...

Blizzard l Male l Denizen l M: Hop . Blizzard let out a squeak of pain. He jumped straight up into the air, blood draining from where his bobbed tail once was. He landed behind the fox, as when he jumped the fox went under him. Blizzard turned the other way. He then realuzed he was leading it towards the patrol and he veered right. The fox's breath was hot on his hunches. He started to move in a zig zag pattern, leading it away from both the Warren and the Patrol. Hopefully Hop was back with the patrol and leading them away, nd making sure the Warren was safe. Suddenly a thought came to mind. If Blizzard could lead the fox to where his old burrow was, he would be safe. Everywhere Blizzard went he had dug a burrow so deep that not even a fox could dig that far down. Blizzard stopped zig zagging and went on a full on sprint towards his old home.
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Hop / Patroller / Mentions: patrol, Blizzard, fox
Hop unwisely slowed to a stop to watch the fox chase Blizzard out of sight, his thin chest heaving, his ears and limbs quivering. The fur rippled along his back and he rose on his hind legs, sniffing the air. The small buck stayed stock-still for a few moments until his ears and nose convinced him that he was safe, no matter what his hammering heart told him.
Hop rolled in the pines until he was sure his scent was hidden before carefully creeping along towards the warren, sticking to the shadows of the trees. His brother was sure to box his ears for running off, but Hop was just happy to be alive. Hopefully Blizzard survived too.