
Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M: Arrow,Open Ember didn't really know what was happening around her but she went with it. It happened so fast that she didn't realise that her mother had picked her up and shoved her next to her her brother. She got up and shook her fur, it had all sorts of stuff in it she might have to have a bath. Ember hated baths and water she always tried to get out of them but with no success yet. - Ember got up and out of the den, it was her parents as she was allowed to have her own den but not far away. She popped her head around and snuck to her den, it was nice and quiet in there no one to bother her but someone always bothered her.
(I'm a bit of today so this is the best I can do).

Austur | M | Heir | M: Open Austur curled into a ball, curling his tail over his nose. (Hehe, flexibility requirexd for climbing trees). He dropped the mouse and pawed its little form, keeping his eyes trained on the entrance. He wasn't sure why the snakes had gotten all antsy. I mean, all he had done was steal a mouse. And all they had dome was walk through the brush. Anyhow, he released a breath and pawed at the little mouse again. If it was dead he would eat it, but if not, he would let it go after this chaos. He was too busy toying with the mouse to notice the snakes slithering over the edge of the den enterance.... (Don't save me, guys)

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Arrow I start walking to my den seeing Arrow with a expression on her face saying that she wanted to talk." Let's go to the den and talk there." I lay in the den waiting for Arrow to start the conversation.

Arrow | F | Alpha Female | M: Rowan, Austur, Ember, Scarlett, Hou Arrow jumped up relieved when Rowan padded into the camp at last. She followed him into the den and started speaking. "The whole camp thought you died! We waited, but you never followed! And you got scars everywhere..." She sighed and bent down to begin licking his scars.

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Arrow Rowan growled when Arrow started licking the scars." Don't do that they are fresh and hurt. What do you mean I was right behind you and the camp is fine it seems." I lick Arrow's cheek

Arrow | F | Alpha Female | M: Rowan, Austur, Ember, Scarlett, Hou "How about this. your family was worried. You told us to leave you with the snakes and didnt come back right away like you said you would. Your son also almost got stuck in a tree, and could have been bitten." She said, rising from licking his wounds.

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Austur,Arrow,Scarlett,Ember "Um I came back and it seems like Austur came back in one piece so did I and that's all that matters." I stand up or at least try to hissing at the pain in my right foot

Arrow | F | Alpha Female | M: Rowan "Have you seen Cyclone? You should get those checked out." Arrow stood up and walked out of the den. Outside, the pack was settling for the night, eating dinner, curling up in nests, and watching the moon rise in the sky. She padded to the freshkill pile and grabbed a large rabbit, and went back to teh den to eat with Rowan.

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Arrow "No I haven't seen Cyclone I'll be fine I've had worse wounds." I stand up limping outside to get some food and walk back because I'm not hungry. I mutter." Why did I have to be hurt I hate this."