
Blizzard l Male l Denizen l M: Fox . Blizzard's legs were a blur as he scrambled towards his old burrow. The fox was gaining on him, occasionally landing more scraping blows to his rump, and landing a deep gash on his shoulder, causing the snow behind him to turn red. He passed the big rock he used to live by. Then he saw the pine tree that marked the entrance. The fox's breath hot on his hunches, he dove down the hole. The fox getting only his gray and white furs. He shot down the hole all the way to the end, which was probably 25 feet underground. There Blizzard curl up into a ball, licking his wounds. Leaving the fox with the hope of a meal, and his jaws and paws all bloody.
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SCENE SETTING | Mentions: Patrol
A muted fluttering noise sounded above Hop, its whispering presence almost lost in the whispering of the wind through the ancient trees and the patter of the raindrops far above. Many rabbits' lengths away, the fox's ears were pinned back in concentration. Blizzard could likely hear it scrabbling above him, the scratch of claws through dirt. Suddenly, the scratching turned to a horrible dragging sound before cutting off into an abrupt silence.

Blizzard l Male l Denizen l M: Fox . Blizzard started pawing at the dirt below, trying to dig deeper, but it was no use, any farther down was solid ice. Blizzard turned and put his back against the bottom of the burrow, paws up. Tbe scrabbling continued above, and he could hear the fox's angry breath. Then suddenly the noise stopped. It seemdd the fox was gone. Blizzard turned and looked at the gashes on his shoulder, and back, and looked to where his tail used to be on his rump, where only lose flowing skin remained. He was still bleeding heavily, so he took snow and packed it in his wounds, stopping most of the bleeding. The tunnel around him and the tunnel up was stained a dark sickebing red. He kbew better than to leave now, as the fox coyld still be up there. So he curled up, and attempted to sleep the night away.
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