
ET - Oooh return to a place? Hmm unironically, maybe surprisingly, England? XD It was amazing, I really would've loved to see more of it when we were there last! But maybe that was just cause of the only week of warm sunny weather of the year we managed to pinpoint LMAOO. Norway was also lovely omg . Must've been the roadtrip to Germany! We drove all the way from Stockholm down to the area around Kassel! Don't remember the exact hours but it took more than two full days hahah . Oh buddy don't get me STARTED, I have so many rant possibilities you could never silence me if I started talking about it god. But you know about my Aztec obsession lmaoo, it's pretty niche to actually delve in on a deeper level and really immerse yourself in their daily life, disregarding the surface level knowledge of "oh yeah gods and uh. Human sacrifice" like there wasn't SO much more to them. And the fact that their architecture was so impressive even the Spanish thought they'd never seen anything like it back in Europe. And how the "empire" (or well, Triple Alliance, more accurately) could very well be equated with the Roman and Byzanthine Empire but how so much of it has been washed out by propaganda TO THIS DAY. And how so many records and stuff of theirs were destroyed cause I am wholeheartedly convinced if Tenochtitlan stood to this day it'd be regarded as one of the wonders of the world
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Nesta - Ouuh that's a TOUGH choice. Between the sadistic angels, bloodthirsty gods and sociopathic men it'd at least have to stand between my babies Vincent and Rory TO WHOM I'M BIASED SO SORRY RORY I LOVE YOU. BUT I LOVE VINCENT ONE MILLIMETER MORE I'M SORRY. Oooh hmm, more muted palettes are always within my preferences! Especially the ones on the cold side of the colour scale like greens and blues, always a favourite Aggh again hard choice, one of the Aztec/Mesoamerican pyramids probably! Chichen Itza is nice, also the Templo Mayor ruins in Mexico City and the Quetzalcoatl altar on the other side of the city In country way? Countries I'm interested in mostly, I'd love to go to the Netherlands, New Zealand and Mexico cause of my ocs hahaha! Otherwise I'm not out much, mostly sitting at home rotting in my bed when I'm not at school ehehe Well, Mars is the only one I'd survive probably XD but if I could choose anything, then Saturn! Cause ringsss weee
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Favorite wolf pelt Do you recognize me because I see you all the time Edited at December 20, 2024 05:20 PM by Whispering Rain

Whispering - Blue or green! Ouuuh I haven't really played the game itself in a long time so I'm not very up to date with pelts unfortunately XD But the spectre is nice from what I've looked! And gosh I've always been a sucker for the time dynamic one ever since it dropped way back in the day ahaha I dooo! I see you around quite a lot in the forums actually, but I don't think we've ever really talked :D so hello there hehe
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Oh sweet! Purple is the best color in the world in my opinion

I have more questions like always >.> If you could live anywhere where would it be?
If you could join a fantasy RP what OC would you use and why? If you could be any superhero who would you be and why? If you could have any superpower what would it be and why? You can make up your own if you want ^^

Nesta - Yeahhh keep em coming :D . Ooh hmmm, somewhere further south for sure, I'm not built for this northern climate </3 Maybe a bit down in Europe, or just southern Sweden, but if having to learn a new language wasn't an issue then the Netherlands or Germany perhaps! I already know a bit of German and Dutch anyways hahah . God I have so many overpowered ones I'm not sure if I'd be allowed to use them 😭 Kahu or Quetz would be fun if such powers were allowed, I do always love their quirkiness and unpredictability and they're fun to write. Otherwise Rory's always a pretty flexible main character for anything I'd throw him into hehe . I think Black Panther's powers are super cool, so he's definitely on the list :D Otherwise I'm biased towards the Flash even though he always gets bodied by like, everyone, somehow . I've watched so many superhero movies and I also just forgot every single superhero or power that exists - I don't really know - honestly just being able to fly would be super cool,,, maybe controlling the wind like Quetzalcoatl lmao. Or super speed perhaps
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
What's your opinion on popcorn walls/ceilings?
Have you had any experiences that felt paranormal/not real? What were they? What do you think happened?
What is your favourite day of the week?
You have the option to bring one of your OCs to life and have a conversation with them for one hour. Which OC are you picking and what are you talking about?
If you could pick one mythological creature to make real, which one are you picking?
How many pillows are on your bed?
What is your favourite smell?
Ties or bowties?
Oceans or mountains?
Sunrise or sunset?
Have you got your own car yet,,? What're you gonna name it,,?

ET - Hmmmmm popcorn ceilings are acceptable, cause you never have to touch it. Walls however?? Nope. Nah. Sandpaper it down if you gotta. How am I supposed to lean against the wall with jagged edges digging into my skin Hmmmm, honestly I don't think so! I'm a pretty grounded and realistic person so I don't really believe in paranormal stuff 😭 I do see stuff out of the corner of my eye when I'm home alone sometimes but I tell myself it's just the sleep deprivation,, when I was at my worst mentally I nearly started hallucinating my ocs, and NOT the nice ones lemme tell you phahha Wednesday!! Partially because the colour of it is a nice green for me and I like green :D but also cause it's the turning point of the week, the week only gets better after that hehe. I also rarely have anything planned on wednesdays, either Tough choice - but it'd probably be Vincent :3 honestly anything between heaven and earth but we have quite a lot of shared experiences so we'd have stuff to talk about for sure 😭 I also wanna hug him really badly cause I feel bad for dumping so much shit on him ueueue. Itztli's a runner-up cause I feel like I could have really interesting societal and existential discussions with him. Rory I got with me in my head all the time anyways so I wouldn't need him irl to add onto that HAH Quetzalcoatl 👉👈 Like, a feathered snake wind god swirling around in the atmosphere?? Hell yeah bro One. As God intended. Petrichor!! And the smell of lilacs, cause that means spring is here <3 I'm a bowtie sorta guy hehe Honestly mountains! I see way too much water living on an island already LOL Sunrisee Yeah! It's a Ford Focus :p Ouuh do we really name our cars in the big year of 2025??? Imma have to think about it hmmmm Edited at January 28, 2025 05:15 PM by Polargeist
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
ONE PILLOW?? YOU FREAK. YOU SCARE ME DEAR GOD. Holding my 5 pillows and a seal so so so close right now dear god.
Also I think if I hallucinated my bad OCs I'd actually cry oh my god 😭
And yes. Yes you have to name your car. It needs a name.