
ET - (Ask awayy!!) Xolotl: "Mh, I find it doesn't make that much of a difference. My brother drags me around everywhere anyway. It is comfortable being on four legs though. As for your second question, I do feel cold, but I am not bothered by it. I reside in the afterlife, after all." Itztli: * eye twitch* "I, hrm, know not what you are talking about. Besides, we are both equally busy in our work, there is not much time for... her... to ponder. As for me? ... I am just doing what I am put on this earth for. Not many people are well-informed about the Emperor's nor the Cihuacoatl's personal life, hence many don't know that I even have an official spouse. That, and also our creator maybe just does not ever draw my beautiful wife." (shut up Itztli, don't break the fourth wall. Also I have written her quite a lot so shh) (also they don't marry until post-canon ahah)
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Omg,, amazing. Have a gift Xolotl whilst I think of more questions.. [c]157083 

AHH OMG he is so adorable STOPP god I love you for this
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I have more,, am back,,, Rory, describe yourself in 3 words. How do you feel about being described as a 'Time traveller twink manfailure'? Do you agree with this statement? What's your favourite thing about Vincent? Ome Acatl, why are you like this? Ome Acatl, have you ever tripped over all the layers and capes you wear?

ET - Rory: "Umm... clever... cool and... totally awesome. Wait. Oh. That's four words. Still true though." "I- no, who said that? I'm not a- Ugh, well. By definition you could call me 'twink', I could accept that. And I'm a time traveller, yeah. But I'm no manfailure, who called me that? If anything, I am a man winner. Cause I keep winning, and my price? Men."  "Ohh, Vincent? Erh, do I be philosophical and say his general outlook on life and disposition is just very enticing, or do I say the height? Hahah, jokes aside, I couldn't possibly choose one thing about that guy. He's very sweet, maybe that. The problem is people just don't get to see that like I do." . . Ome Acatl: "What do you refer to? My actions? Beliefs? The answers will all inevitably lead back to the truth: I follow the world's divine destiny. I deserve all I want." "Hmph. I have no corporeal body, hence I do not 'trip', nor is my clothing any kind of problematic to me." Edited at December 21, 2024 05:26 AM by Polargeist
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:0 Do you have an art thread of these guys anywhere? Or somewhere I can stalk them,,, (cough TH profiles cough..,)
Is Itztli single,,, And what're their pet kitties names? :D
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Collar - I also have my gallery ( Link) where I almost solely post the dumbs :D . Itztli is not single... unfortunately! XD At least not post-canon - He is technically a priest in celibate, but as emperor you can make exceptions for anything,, so post-canon (that is, after the official end of story) he's married to the gorgeous strong independent woman girlboss Xpiayoc <3 Never mind the fact that he's pretty much immortal and she is not..... . Oooh they have a LOT of jaguars with different Nahua names but he has a favourite and personal guard kitty and her name is Metztli (roughly meaning moon)! So they have pretty similar names hehe. Xpiayoc names most of the other jaguars since she helps raise them
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OMG That's so cool! And thank you for those links,, >:3 Never ran so fast before hehe
Ohh please <3 I love a solid girlboss character omggg <33 I can't wait to read through all their lore pleaase
Do the kitties have TH profiles I must know *^* I'd love to see any big cat art, it's a favorite of mine <3 Metztli my beloved,,,
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Collar - Hehe I'm flattered <3 . Helpp I love Xpia but I've done her so bad cause I've written a lot of the story where she is featured and she's quite important, and yet I've written so little on her TH 😭 she totally makes up for my lack of female characters and she's legit so cool but I like never draw her,,, I'm sorry babygirl </3 . Noo unfortunately not yet :'D Tezcat's jaguar form has one though ( Link), but otherwise Metztli's pretty much a melanistic jaguar/panther - I might have to add her to TH though LMAO
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Rory, can you count,,,?
What's your favourite place you've ever time travelled to?
Do you have a favourite near-death experience? I'm assuming you've had multiple..
Ome Acatl, so you've never tripped over ever..? What if Tezcatlipoca tried to trip you up...?
Kahukura, what's it like being able to fly? Do your wings ever get tired?