
your music taste is immaculate omg glass animals and miracle musical mention <33
what's a hobby you want to get into but for reasons you havent?? (hope no one asked this yet LOL)

Bio - Ahh, fellow Glass Animals fan??? What are your favourite songs of theirs? :D Hmm, good question hehe - I'd really love to do more paper crafts and similar things! I made a bendable paper wing yesterday and it was a lot of fun :D Also there are many instruments I'd love to play but I can't handle having weekly lessons, that's why I stopped playing the piano after like 6 years </3 I do have an ukulele and an ocarina in my room though oops
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Polar Yesss! God i love all of them not gonna lie but my absolute favorites have to be: Its all so incredibly loud, Life Itself, Take A Slice, Cocoa Hooves, and Toes!
also felt, tried piano and stopped after like 3 years 😭 okay last one I swear,, pizza with or without pineapple???

Bio - Broo I love all of those! Take A Slice and Life Itself are just *mwah* Piano bros ✊ I am, unfortunately, a pineapple on pizza man :D
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Polar YEAHH you passed the pizza vibe test, pineapple on pizza is awesome

Dogs or cats? What's your favorite animal Favorite color? If you could have any animal what animal would you have and what would their name be?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I'M BACK. What inspires you when it comes to making OCs?
What lead you down the road Aztec mythology? Was it something you always intended or something you just kinda fell into?
What is your favourite hot drink?
Do you have any words that you dislike for no reason? Which ones?
What's a place in the world you wish you could return to right now?
What's the longest journey you've ever been on? [Can be by car, plane, boat, mix of several etc etc]
What's a niche subject you have strong feelings about? Can you tell me about it?

Nesta - Cats! Ouuh I have many favourites, I do love owls a LOT though. Birds in general Blue :D I used to have a bunny named Lilja, she died last year. So if I could choose, I'd probably have her back <3 But if we're talking a new and perhaps unconventional animal then an owl or jaguar! I'd probably name them something in Nahuatl hahahahh, the brainrot is strong with this one
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ET - Oooh I love these questions omg :D Largely, my inspirations for ocs often come from the most random places - I could be watching a movie, or listening to a specific song, and suddenly something just kind of pops into my head! And sometimes I know I have a role that needs to be filled in my story. But yeah, some come from me admiring a culture and making them an oc to represent it, some are inspired by more well known characters and some just come alive theough concepts or even just a name! Vincent, for example, popped up from me just thinking it was a nice name and deciding I wanted a rival for Rory. Holy shit, I've gotten far with the plot since then. . The entire reason why Tezcat and the gang exists and just overall how I became acquainted with the Aztecs is because of Black Panther 2 actually! The antagonist there was called Kukulkan, who is pretty much the Mayan equivalent of Quetzalcoatl, and I thought "damn this guy's cool. I should look up the inspiration for him" and OH BOY did I fall into a humongous rabbit hole the size of Central America. And I made Quetz into an oc (he was the first!), then Tezcat followed suit soon and Xolotl jumped on. And then I just kept reading, kept buying books and scouring the internet for stuff and media related to it. It kind of saddens me that there's so little accurately portrayed media of it honestly. But shows like Onyx Equinox and Maya and the three are amazing mwahh I also always have a strong love for all kinds of indigenous peoples, and I like to believe that I'm making a tiny difference in getting people to view them differently :D . Ooooh hmm, honestly I might be basic and say hot chocolate honestly, I rarely deink a lot of warm drinks except for when I'm sick. The Aztec version of it though..... mmmmmmmm. Well, they did invent it after all . Off the top of my head, conglomerate is not a very nice word :c it just feels clunky. Also the word subscription just feels unecessarily complex for what it is. To many sccssrcrs. Don't like it . Imma continue this in a moment, gotta respond to ya in chat hehe >:)
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If you had to pick an OC to come to life, which one? What kind of palettes do you like? If you go to any monument which one would you go to? What kind of places do you go to? If you had to go to a planet where shall you go?