
in your opinion what's the absolute worst color (to draw with and otherwise)??? what's the longest you've spent on a single drawing and why?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Help not me forgetting my own thread.
Biohazard said: in your opinion what's the absolute worst color (to draw with and otherwise)??? what's the longest you've spent on a single drawing and why?
OH THAT'S SUCH A HARD QUESTION. I can't really think of a single colour I don't draw with. I deadass use the whole palette. Anyway, pastels. Fuck pastels bro. I hate them. Neons are so much better. Pastel blue or 'baby blue' especially oh my GOD. I just do not like it. But for drawing I don't think there's a single colour I don't like. Even pastels have their place when they're combined with darker or more saturated colours. Pastels are find with an accent but pastel + pastel makes me wanna cry I don't know. Ooooh that's so hard, I really don't know! Hours wise would probably be classwork or a commission. My most recent commission took FOREVER, especially as I'm learning an entirely new software and how to integrate it into my art process! Painting over a 3D model took ages. As for time to complete, it once took me like 9 months to complete a commission for Hallbjorns just because... It did, I don't know. I just didn't do it. 😭 Usually what contributes to me taking forever is not being able to get something to look right, like this commission for Obscurity probably took something like 15 hours + just because I could not get the face right.

What is your favourite type of cheese? (totally wasn't about to say breed of cheese right there because my english is broken) Edited at May 9, 2024 03:40 AM by Embershed

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Embershed said: What is your favourite type of cheese? (totally wasn't about to say breed of cheese right there because my english is broken)
Port salut is my favourite! :D

Eternity said: Biohazard said: in your opinion what's the absolute worst color (to draw with and otherwise)??? what's the longest you've spent on a single drawing and why?
OH THAT'S SUCH A HARD QUESTION. I can't really think of a single colour I don't draw with. I deadass use the whole palette. Anyway, pastels. Fuck pastels bro. I hate them. Neons are so much better. Pastel blue or 'baby blue' especially oh my GOD. I just do not like it.
But for drawing I don't think there's a single colour I don't like. Even pastels have their place when they're combined with darker or more saturated colours. Pastels are find with an accent but pastel + pastel makes me wanna cry I don't know.
That's it Friendship over, don't disrespect the pastels 😤 • Anyway now that school is over, what was your favourite (or least favourite) assignment you had to do? 👀 Especially cuz you were showing off those studies and then that 3d stuff lmao Edited at May 13, 2024 10:44 PM by Wilverbeast
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Wilvy </33 HOLD ON- What if What if I like uhhhhhhhhhhhh pastel,,, grey,, yeah. I like pastel grey. We can be friends still trust. ALSO that's such a good question! Fun fact, I was only doing one class/one assignment this term! Why? Because well, I failed last year. 😭 My dumb arse didn't hand anything in to one of my classes and hoped it'd be fine, it wasn't, I had to retake it, but then they changed my course and removed my class so,, I had to redo a class I'd already done for the credits. So, this year I did one class, that class being 'Introduction to digital image techniques'. Tragically I can't post my favourite outcomes from that class as they use a lot of photobashing and I can't remember the credits for every single texture I used. Buuut last year my favourite was also Introduction to Digital Image Techniques, but we had a different brief! This year we did environments [So exterior, interior, prop] and last year it was character! [Character, creatute, prop]. My favourite from that was creature, which was the development of this guy :D [All art [c]157083]    

What's your favorite food?


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
StarClan said: What's your favorite food?
Super hard question as I love so many different types of food. If I had to only pick one food, it'd almost definitely be sushi. There's so so so many different types that I don't think I could ever get bored of it and I absolutely love raw fish :0 It's just such a perfect type of food, no matter what the filling/topping is.
Bobcat said: Cats or dogs?
Despite the fact I've never owned cats and I've both owned/grown up around dogs, I'm most definitely a cat person. I like dogs too though :>

Aw mann someone already asked my question :0 What's your favorite music genre? Edited at May 18, 2024 01:47 PM by VioletEcho