All of my dogs are rescues. All of them are some variety of pitbull mixes. Of course all images are mine <3
I am missing three dogs on this post, a rottie I had when I was little, a pitty I had for a few years when I was younger, and a foster dog I have literally 0 pictures of
This is Mairead, my first dog. We got her from a shelter after she was rescued from BYB situation. The amount of over-breeding she went through caused her to develop arthritis and hip problems, and she got out down four years ago. She was the bestest girl though and I still miss her.
Next is Leonard- he was rescued from the shelter as well. He is still currently with us and he's about nine. He's got a bunch of quirks and is the goofiest little guy. Also, he sounds like a legitimate car engine. He growls so loud when he's playing and it sounds absolutely menving and goofy at the same time xD
Next is Odin. He was a rescue as well, and we got him in around 2017. He's nearly 5(?)
He can be annoying sometimes, and he decided that anything her can fit in his mouth is food. So if a sock ever goes missing, we know why. But of course I love him, and he's a good boy. He is very food motivated and guards recourses but we're working on it. And of course, he needs a slow feeder. Because when he doesn't have one he eats too fast and throws up his meal, like the dumby he is
Next is Mavis- She was convinced any bug wanted to be her friend and would try to play with them, only to accidentally kill them. She loved snuggles and to be held. Also, she had the weirdest obsession with butter boxes lmao. While she is the dog we got most recently, she also had to get put down June 7th, 2024. She had aggression problems with my other dogs (they developed long after we got her. She was originally fine.) and she had a bite record, so she was not able to go back to the shelter. After she attacked my dog Leonard and we couldn't keep her she had to get pit down. I miss her so much though
Last but not least is Zylo. We had him for about a year. He was a foster and ended up going to a loving forever home. He had an amazing temperament and would never hurt a fly. Like Mavis, he loved snuggles and enjoyed getting all the attention. He loved walks and treats, and he was really good on a leash too. I miss him but I know he's in a good home <3