
Hmm. Do you have any pets? If so, what are there names, gender, age, and speices?

I do! At my mom's house I have 3 cats (one is with me at college). And then 1 other at college (technically she's my roommate's cat and that's why I didn't include her in the other count) Peter is my oldest he's about 8 years old And I have a pair of twins! They're 4 turning 5 I believe! Aurora is is white with a gray tail and she's my little brother's best friend. That cat is a menace though and I dont have any current pictures of her lol. And then her brother is my baby, Bear. He's the only one I have at college and is the one I always share pictures of. He's my little snuggle bug. And then there's poppy, the demon cat. She's almost a year old and she is a terror. Technically she's my roommate's cat but I treat her like one of my own so Ima include her anyways.
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If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
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Honestly, I dont really know. I'd love to go out to arizona and see the glass beach but I'd love to go out and see London, out to stonehenge. There are alot of places that I'd like to go to not so much because it's a place I adore but more so that I'd love to see it so I can use it as inspo in writing.
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
What inspired you to create original characters? Was it something you've always done or did something inspire you to start doing it?
What was the first character you ever made like?
What's something you're proud of that most people don't recognise/know about?
What's your favourite colour? :0
You have an unlimited budget to decorate any room in a house however you want, what room are you picking and how are you decorating it?
What is your longest standing hobby?
What's a hobby you've picked up most recently?
What's a word you can never manage to spell first try, no matter how many times you've written it?

Damn ET okay lets bullet point this! >:D 1) I've always been super creative, wrote stories for as long as I can remember. I guess it kinda started as imaginary friends and evolved over the years into this. But for each character they're usually inspired by a role I need filled or a person. Reaper/Mylo, my mascot, he's a bit different though, I bought his design from ScardyKat and his looks kind of gave him his name and personality as well as music which is very important to my OC creation process. 2) Oh jeez, uhm lemme think back. Drawn or in general? The first character I ever drew was Alaster from Hazbin Hotel. In general the first character I remember really making was a character named Fawn, most cliche pick me bitch you'd ever meet. I absolutely hate her now-a-days but hey, I had to start somewhere. (Fun fact the character I've had and used the longest came from that same story, Brandon, you'll find him in things as a little easter egg sometimes :D) 3) Hm that's a hard one since whenever I'm proud of myself for doing something, I run around like, "LOOK WHAT I DID!" Because I crave approval lol. Honestly it's probably just talking to you all and putting myself out there. I am super socially awkward so I'm so proud of myself for going into chat and just talking with you all, now I have a ton of friends who think I'm fun which is something I never had before :D 4) Blue! My favorite color is blue but to be more specific royal or electric blue. Always been my favorite color 5) Ooo another hard one, probably a livingroom. I'd design it to be like a forest/fantasy thing with live plant walls and macreme hanging chairs/couch/hammocks I love that natural vibe. I'd also love to put in a waterfall piece since waterfalls are where I feel the calmest. (I think it would be really cool to have a spot where there's a pool/pond type thing in the floor and you can jump across stones to get to this mini island type thing and chill there) 6) Oh man, probably writing. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember and I don't forsee myself every stopping. There are times when the words dont flow but I'll always be a writer 7) Most recently? Oh jeez, I dont know probably drawing, I've doodled before but never really tried to draw like I have been lately 8) Conc- Concen-Conci- Concious? Nope red squigglies concicous, fucking- Lemme go google how to spell the damn word, C-O-N-S-C-I-O-U-S! Conscious (Yes I had to read the spelling of it to type it even though I just typed it- and I'm still not sure I typed it right) Edited at January 17, 2025 01:49 PM by The Reaper
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1) Favorite alcohol (if you drink) If not, favorite drink in general. - 2) Best branch of the military? >:] Edited at January 17, 2025 01:51 PM by Lackadaisy

Shh don't tell the govt, but if we're being 100% honest, of what I have tried it's probably vodka XD - Daze you know I love you to pieces but it's a tie between the army and the airforce for me. Most of my family that was in the military was in the army
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Vodka trumps all - Also, how dare you - S h o e s i z e ? (I don't know help-)
